
Monday, August 30, 2010

Beijing Here I Come! 北京我来也!

The blogger is going to travel to Beijing, the capital of the People’s Republic of China, for the first time from September 1 (night flight) to September 8, 2010. Companions of the trip include wife Soh Ai, SGM’s friends Mr. Yong Yew Khoon and his wife Mdm Tan Kan Pian @ Kah Bean, Mdm Tang Li Na and her sister Tang Ma Li, and ex-colleague (in MCA HQ 1986-1988) Anthony Kon, his uncle Mr. Chong Chin (an Australian PR) and his lawyer cousin & family of four.

Brief Details of the tour are as follows:

Tour Agency: Yangtze Cruise & Tour Sdn Bhd
Tour Fare per head: RM 2,812.00
Tour Leader: Ms. Linda
Group Size: 20 persons

The places that we are going to visit are as follows:

Day 1 第一天 02/09/2010 (周四) 吉隆坡/北京
1. 天坛 Temple of Heaven

2. 颐和园 Summer Palace

3. 皇家御河 Imperial River

4. (晚) 传统杂技表演 Traditional Acrobatic show

Day 2 第二天 03/09/2010 (周五) 北京

5. 天安门广场 Tiananmen Square

6. 故宫博物馆National Palace Museum

7. 世贸天阶 The Place Beijing

8. 国家大剧院 National Theatre

9. 中央电视台 CCTV

10. (晚) 什刹海酒吧风情街Shichahai Bar Style Street

Day 3 第三天 04/09/2010 (周六) 北京

11. 万里长城 Great Wall

12. 明定陵Ming Ding Tomb

13. 鸟巢 Bird’s Nest

14. 水立方 Water Cube

15. (晚) 大型歌舞节目“圣水观音”表演Holy Water Guanyin show

Day 4 第四天 05/09/2010 (周日) 北京/承德

16. 北京老胡同Beijing Hutongs

17. 恭王府Prince Gong's Mansion

18. 承德 Chengde

Day 5 第五天 06/09/2010 (周一) 承德/北京

19. 避暑山庄Mountain Resort

20. 普陀宗乘Putuo Zongcheng Temple

21. 天街御道---前门商业街Qianmen (Front Gate) commercial street

Day 6 第六天 07/09/2010 (周二) 北京/天津/北京

22. 天津食品街Tianjin Food Street

23. 天津古文化街Tianjin Ancient Culture Street

24. 北京王府井大街、东华门夜市小吃街Beijing Wangfujing Street, Donghua Gate Night Market Snack Street

Day 7 第七天 08/09/2010 (周三) 北京/吉隆坡

25. 雅秀市场Ya Show Market