
Friday, October 15, 2010

八种东西吃多会死人!! 8 Deadly Food If Excessively Consumed

(1) 皮蛋:一般制造商在制作皮蛋时,常添加定量的铅,我们若经常食用,会引起铅中毒。同时,还会造成身体内钙质的流失。

Century Eggs or Preserved Eggs:
In the production of such eggs, a certain amount of lead is added. If they are regularly consumed, lead-poisoning may occur. Loss of body calcium is another adverse effect.

(2) 臭豆腐:臭豆腐在发酵过程中,极易被微生物污染,同时又会挥发大量盐基氮。

Stinky tofu or chòu dòufu:
Stinky tofu is easily contaminated by microorganisms in the process of fermentation, and at the same time releases a lot of basic nitrogen.

(3) 味精:每人每日对味精的摄取量,以不超过六公克为原则,多则有害无益。

Monosodium glutamate (MSG):
The daily consumption of MSG should be limited to 6 grams and it is bad for health if exceeded.

(4) 菠菜:菠菜营养丰富,但因含有草酸,致食物中宝贵的元素锌与钙之结合,而被排出体外,而引起人体锌与钙的缺乏(男人缺锌,会无法抬头作人,恐怖啊!),以及硫化氢等;这些都是蛋白质分解的腐败物质,对人体有害。

Spinach: Spinach is rich in nutrition value, but it consists of oxalic acid which causes the synthesis of zinc and calcium in the food and excretion, resulting in the shortage of zinc and calcium in human body and the production of hydrogen sulfide and others which are bad materials from protein degradation and are harmful to human body.

(5) 猪肝:一公斤的猪肝,其含胆固醇高达四百毫克以上,而一个人若摄固醇,会导致动脉硬化。

Pig liver: Every kilogram of pig liver contains cholesterol value exceeding 400 milligrams. Too much of cholesterol causes arteriosclerosis.

(6) 烤肉:由于烤肉在熏烤过程中,会产生如「苯」等有害物质,是诱发癌的因子。

Barbecued meat: Harmful materials such as benzene that are produced in the process of barbeque are the inducing factor of cancer.

(7) 腌菜:腌菜若制作不得法,含致癌物,并含硝酸胺,久吃因而致病。

Pickles: Pickles if not properly prepared contain cancerous materials including carcinogen and cause one to fall sick if consumed often.

(8) 油条:油条中的明矾,是含铝的无机物,不可经常食用。

Fried fritters or Cruller: The alum in the cruller is an aluminum-containing inorganic material which should not be frequently consumed.

(Courtesy of forwarded mail from Tang Tuck Hoong)