
Sunday, June 26, 2011

No Men Should Play God (by Dr JB Lim)

The Blogger’s Note: There is a video presentation recently being circulated among some e-buddies showing the possibility of scientists/doctors playing the role of God by working on Artificial Organ Regrowth for Eternal Life (see below).

To this, Dr JB Lim comments as follows:

Saturday, 25 June, 2011 3:26 PM

From: lim juboo

No one, whether he is a scientist, medical researcher, a great physician, a pastor, chief priest, a cellular biologist or an evolutionist should play god.

The maximum human genetic life span is just an infinitesimal 120 years. The age of the Universe is estimated to be between 13-20 billion years in comparison.

Eternity is far beyond that – it’s time without an end, without a border. That’s it. No one can live beyond the prescribed 120 years, if he is lucky.

In one of my medical textbooks, it was clearly printed there on the preface itself even before all the chapters on medicine were written, that everyone eventually must die either of the following broad categories:

• Accident
• Infection
• Cancers
• Degeneration
• Multiple organ failure

That’s it. This is the program for every one of us. This fate is completely sealed and ordained by God, and absolutely no one can interfere or change this biological program. It is as fixed and absolute as the law of the Medes and Persians (Daniel 6:8), and no one can amend or alter that.

There is just no exception for anyone trying to live forever - not even for the president, king, and queen, or the prime minister of the most powerful and greatest countries on this planet.

Those scientists who try to interfere and made those claims in that video here will be one of the first to go. It must be one of those science fictions produced and directed by Steven Spielberg for entertainment.

You should have attended my talk on 'Why we must grow old and die' I gave to the academic staff of the University of Malaya, and to the Malaysian Senior Scientists Association nearly 2 years ago.

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years (Psalm 90:10). That’s it!

Live a life full of quality, not quantity.

Be respectful to God who designed and programmed us.

jb lim