
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Our Hallowed Land

The blogger’s most learned e-buddy Dr JB Lim wrote the following hind contemplation in the aftermath of the massive street demonstrations on July 9, 2011. It is so stylishly expressed that the blogger can’t resist to share with his readers:

From: lim juboo
Date: Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 11:35 PM

United we stand, disintegrated we sink.

We, Malays, Chinese and Indians voyage together in the same boat. We navigate collectively in chartered water till harbor beckons us nigh.

We plow and till the same land. We know of no other land so beautiful, so lush and green, so luxuriant and fertile. We know not of natural resources so abundant.

This is our blessed land, our birth place, our birth right, and our heritage. We know not of other soil as bountiful as Malaysia, a land of milk and honey overflowing in natural abundance.

They are our inheritance bestow upon us by a fair God to our Malays, Chinese and our indigenous brothers and sisters.

Together as Malays, Chinese and Indians we shall seed, sow and harvest. Together we shall rise and march forward and overcome our adversaries and challengers.

In tandem we shall plow, to harvest and to reap. Our will is transcribed with our blood and sweat for our children. It’s their birth right.

Our street demonstrations portray our spirit in numbers and in unity. We as Chinese, Indians support our Malay brothers as they fight poverty, national looters, injustice, and cronies.

They left them and us with no penny. We are unashamed of our colour, creed and race as we struggle in collective concert.

We have no avenue to translate our feelings but into the streets. We convert our collective feelings by the hundreds of thousands into the open in an unprecedented show for fair play and electoral justice.

It makes obvious our spirit of legacy to bequest. A legacy in earnest desire to fulfill to our children.

May God sanctify us in our hallowed land – Malaysia.

jb lim