
Friday, August 17, 2012

Dr JB Lim’s Advice on Eating

The blogger finds the casual remarks by Dr JB Lim on eating very thought-provoking and wishes to share with readers as follows:

Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 15:57:19 +0800
From: lim juboo

Chinese are Chinese all over the world. Their food is very luxuriant. Do you know that being a Chinese myself, I eat only one meal a day. My breakfast is just one big mug of tea, or Milo, or oats and plenty of fluid, and nothing else after that till dinner time with plenty of fruits and vegetables, dahl, just curry (curry powder of spices and turmeric) and rice in small amounts.

Forget that nit-witted, idiotic 'advice' that breakfast is 'the most important meal of the day'. Those copy-cat nutritionists, including the real not fake ones, are all 3 decades behind time in knowledge on the advances in nutritional sciences. Tell them to fly kites. Ask them to attend continued nutrition education course every month.
Tell them that nutrition is not just about what to eat or what not to eat, but ask them also to attend postgraduate courses on endocrinology, neuro-science, psychology, gastroenterology physiology, how the brain works at the sight, taste and smell of food and how does the body response to these stimuli.

All these, and many, many more are part of nutrition taught in a reputable university which takes 4 years to learn, not all those fake online instant 'nutrition degrees' that can be bought from the Internet.

Tell them also to understand about the mechanisms of hunger and satiety, hunger hormones, memory cells....down the tens of physiological mechanisms on why people over eat and refuse to stop eating, on culture, sociology, food beliefs, etc, etc, . They need to attend postgraduate courses on all these as part of an on-going continuing nutrition / medical education before they start advising others what to eat, what not to eat, and how much to eat. Out-of-tune advice to others….

Tell all these behind time nutritionists (the real ones) that to advice adults to eat 3-4 meals a day will land them all in hospitals with all those incurable metabolic syndromes, pot-belly and obesity, heart, kidney, liver, vascular, cancers... disorders.  After discharge they can continue with all those drugs to cheat themselves.

Why I choose this kind of dietary lifestyle is extremely lengthy and complicated for me to explain here.

You need to have a PhD in Nutrition, or a higher MD specializing in Clinical Nutrition to understand.

A Research Nutritionist