
Friday, September 07, 2012

熟香蕉更好 Ripe Banana Attacks Abnormal Cells

原来熟透的香蕉会产生攻击异常细胞的物质TNF。您可能会发现不久的将来 ........ 香蕉会缺货 !!

Ripe Bananas produce a substance called TNF which is able to attack abnormal cells. You might find that Bananas would not meet the demand in the near future.

香蕉愈成熟即表皮上黑斑愈多,它的免疫活性也就愈高。日本人爱吃香蕉不是没原因的,大、小朋友们都喜欢吃香蕉 ~ 真方便,每日五蔬果,疾病远离我喔 ........

The riper the bananas, the more black dots will appear on their skin, and the higher the presence of antibodies. This is the leading cause for the Japanese's love of bananas, including their adults and young people. It has been said that taking five different kinds of fruit a day can keep yourself a distance from diseases.


According to a research by the Japanese scientists, bananas can produce an anti-cancer substance called TNF.

而且,香蕉愈成熟其抗癌效果愈高。日本东京大学教授山崎正利利用动物试验,比较了香蕉、葡萄、苹果、西瓜、菠萝、梨子、柿子等多种水果的免疫活性,结果证实其中以香蕉的效果最好,能够增加白血球,改善免疫系统的功能,还会产生攻击异常细胞的物质 TNF 。

What is more important is that the riper the bananas the higher will be their anti-cancer quality. Professor Yamasaki of the University of Tokyo conducted an experiment with animals. He compared the immune quality of various kinds of fruits – banana, grape, apple, watermelon, pineapple, pears and persimmons. The result indicated bananas have the highest immune quality. They can increase the amount of white blood cells and as a result their immune capacity. At the same time, bananas can produce a substance called TNF which is able to attack abnormal cells.


因此,专家们研究认为,香蕉具有的免疫激活作用比较温和, 在人体状态健康时并不会使免疫力异常升高,但对病人、老人和抵抗力差的体弱者则很有效果。

Professor Yamazaki also found out that the riper the bananas the more black dots will appear on their skin and the higher will be their immune quality.

Being such, you are advised to eat more ripe bananas! Strangely enough, bananas will not cause white blood cells to multiply blindly. It is only when you are having insufficient white blood cells that bananas will start their mission to increase the cells. Hence experts consider that the immune quality of bananas is mild in that they will not blindly activate your immunity system under healthy condition. But in cases of old people, sick persons and those who are weak, bananas carry the effect of improving their immunity.

因此,在日常生活中,我们不妨每天吃1至2根香蕉,透过提升身体的抗病能力来预防感染,特别是预防感冒和流感等病毒的侵袭。山崎教授指出,在黄色表皮上出现黑色斑点的香蕉,其增加白血球的能力 ........... 要比表皮发青绿的香蕉强8倍。

Therefore, in your daily life, it is advisable to take one to two bananas a day to enhance your immunity against infection especially that caused by viruses leading to influenza and various epidemics. Professor Yamazaki pointed out that bananas having black dots on their skin possess 8 times as much immune capacity as those bearing green skin.

(Courtesy of forwarded mail from Eileen Ho)