
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Mystery and Genesis of Life Force (A hind thought by Dr JB Lim)

The body is like an oil lamp. It has oil in it, and a wick. The lamp itself represent the body, the oil is the energy stored in the body from food we eat. The wick is the biochemical machinery through which the oil (food) is drawn up from the body to be burnt by a flame.

The flame represents the ‘life’ of the body (the lamp). The ‘life’ itself is some kind of energy. We may call it as ‘life force’ or ‘life energy’. But unlike the normal energy of light, sound, heat and electricity, all of which may be measured, and expressed in units, namely in joules, watts, calories wavelengths, etc, life or life force or life energy cannot be measured by any instruments or expressed in any unit. But life is visible, real, and it exists ubiquitously.

The Lamp:

An oil lamp remains unlit (lifeless) until a flame is transferred to the wick. Once a flame (life force) is transferred, it can pass this ‘life energy’ to the next unlit lamp. This is much the same as a life giving birth to another life, or the sacrifice of a life to give food for its life to be transferred to another animal to perpetuate the chain of life.

Another way of looking at this is, if we have a row of lamps, even thousands or millions of them all lined up in a row, none of the lamp is lit (alive) and grow with light and warmth. They will remain dark and unlit even for a thousand years or throughout all eternity unless someone (God) breath in the breath of life (transfer) into the first lamp (Creation of Adam).

The First Lamp of Life:

Once the first lamp is lit (becomes alive), that flame (life) can be transferred to the next lamp, and into the second lamp, to the third, until the whole arrays of unlit lamps burns bright.

This gives life to the entire world which would have been lifeless no matter what life chemicals (water, amino acids, DNA, sugars, electrolytes, etc, etc) there are on Earth in the beginning of time. All will remain unlit and lifeless until the first flame is brought in from somewhere from space (heaven).

This flame we call life, life energy, life force, vital force, whatever we wish to call it, can never, never, be created by Science on Earth. It is the sole gift of God who brought it down from heaven (space) to spark off the chain of life here on Earth.

The Transfer of Life:

Life is like an oil lamp. As long as there is still fuel in it, the flame (life) will continue to burn in that lamp. Once the fuel is exhausted, the lamp is extinguished (dies). But it can transfer its remaining life to the next lamp (the children) which is still new (young) and still unlit with plenty of fuel (oil) in it.

Life is Indestructible:

Alternatively, even if he has no offspring (barren), even if he or it dies, part of the elements will return to the soil as dust, and part will be transferred to the soil bacteria to decompose for the plants to grow on them, thus pass on the chain of life to the next life. A life has been sacrificed for the survival of another. A life (food) can only give life to another. None can survive on bricks, stones, mud, and any other object which once have no life in it. Thus life cannot be destroyed, but is transferrable from one life form to the next.

Carbon Chain or Reincarnation

Scientists call this ‘the carbon food chain’ but the Hindus and Buddhists call this ‘reincarnation’. Even the Christians believe Christ gave His life for others in order for them to have eternal life through His blood. His blood represents life.


Even in medicine, there is no substitute for real blood. Crystalloids, colloidal solutions, Hartmann's solution glucose-dextrose, Gelofusine, hydroxyethyl starch, Ringer's lactate, and other blood volume expanders, or even artificial blood or blood surrogates such as perfluorocarbon are no substitute for real blood. A blood transfusion is the ultimate.

The Transfer of Life from Heaven:

It is my very strong belief that life was initially brought in here from heaven (outer space) to spark off the chain of life on Earth as much as the first flame that lit up the first cold dark lamp for it to transfer life from this lamp to the next until the myriads of life forms are found on Planet Earth.

Even if all the lamps are complete with oil and wick in as much as all the ocean waters contain all the necessary salts, amino acids, nutrients, oxygen, sugars, etc, this Earth would till today remain completely void of life as in other known planets until a Lamp Bearer (God) breath in life to the first unlit lamp for all the flames to be transferred from one living creature including humans to the next generation.

And so this was how it began, the generations of life and life forms being kept alive, thanks to the first flame from the first lamp.

God confirms:

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground (the essential chemicals of life), and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;(the flame) and man became a living soul (the first birth of life) - Genesis 2:7


Isn’t this, a combination of Theology and Science a 4th dimension projection in thinking?

Dr jb lim
BSc (Physiol & Chem), PG Dip Nutr, MSc, MD, PhD (Med), FRSPH FRSM