
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Alkaline Water (Commented by Dr JB Lim)

I have wanted to comment further on this health fad called ‘alkaline water’ which sales people are trying to capitalize on people’s ignorance. Then I found this well written article by Dr Mercola which is worth reading. I think I concur with Dr Mecola on his opinion, and I don’t wish to add more.

However there were some points Dr Mecola has not mentioned, and so I shall very briefly touch them here in précis form:

1. The body’s fluid and blood has been naturally adjusted to a pH of between7.35 to 7.45. This is specially adjusted by the body by nature for the maintenance of health. This is a delicately very narrow range. This range is very sensitive.

2. Do not try to touch or forcefully alter this very narrow range against the design of Nature by drinking either alkaline or acidic water. Changing this natural pH of the blood unnecessary will mimic many disease conditions such as:

• Respiratory alkalosis
• Metabolic alkalosis
3. Both conditions occur in acute medical conditions. For instance, in the event of metabolic alkalosis (alkaline state) there will be a decrease in potassium levels in the blood (hypokalemia), causing the heart to beat faster (tachycardia). There will also be muscular weakness, muscular pains (myalgia), and muscle cramps of the skeletal muscles and associated muscle spasms of smooth muscles, etc.

4. It may also result in an imbalance of electrolytes such as a lowering effect of calcium levels in the blood (hypocalcaemia). As the pH of blood increases (becomes more alkaline), the protein in the blood becomes more ionized into anions. This causes the free calcium present in blood to bind strongly with protein. When this happens, the body may go into a spasm (tetany), specifically caused by blood becoming too alkaline (alkalosis or alkalotic tetany).

5. All these are not normal. They only happen when the blood pH changes or altered in disease conditions. Do you want all that to happen to you by drinking alkaline water?

6. In defense, the body will try to readjust the pH back to its original and natural pH of 7.35 to 7.45 again if you try to alter its natural pH range. It will use its internal buffering system to balance it again. This mechanism is called ‘acid-base homeostasis’. This is a complex biochemical mechanism involving the ion systems in the body, and this will affect the function of the kidneys.

7. Do you want all that to happen to you by drinking ionized or alkaline water? Think, and think carefully first before you give way to all these health frauds, ‘health experts’ ‘nutritionists’ and bogus health claims from these commercial people who just want to capitalize on the ignorant public.

Please note well. In Malaysia it will soon be unlawful for anyone to claim he /she is a Registered Nutritionist or a qualified Nutritionist unless he holds an accredited university degree in Nutrition which must be recognized, and his / her degree must be registrable with Ministry of Health.

He /she will then be issued an Annual Practicing License for him / her to practice nutrition in this country. This will be an Act of Parliament and will soon be a Law.

He will not be allowed to make such claims like ‘drinking alkaline water is good for health, and can cure cancer’.


jb lim
Special Medical & Science Adviser
Dynapharm Pharmaceutical Group

Research Nutritionist
Senior Medical Research Officer
Institute for Medical Research
Ministry of Health Malaysia