The blogger came across an article giving a nutrition lecture to some ”food morons” and “health-conscious extremists” who claim that “the incidence of coronary heart
disease is related to high blood cholesterol”.
It is too informative not to be shared with readers of this blog as
The liver can synthesize 10 times the amounts of
cholesterol you can possibly eat through food every day. This was already known
to scientists almost 80 years ago. Furthermore,
no amount of cholesterol in blood, high or low
is responsible for ischemic heart disease. This knowledge is more than sure now.
As nutritionists, nutritional
scientists, and nutritionally-trained doctors, we do not need the Internet to
tell us this now. The Internet and Wikipedia are light years behind us. We don’t need them. We read only peer-reviewed research
papers published in respectable international scientific journals.
The message to us is very clear. If you do not take sufficient cholesterol in your diet you will land up a lunatic. If you eat far too little cholesterol in your food, your body will try to prevent you from becoming a lunatic, a Parkinson’s disease victim and other neurological casualty.
In such an event, your liver will
be forced to produce its own (endogenous) cholesterol to raise the blood
cholesterol to protect you mentally and neurologically.
If you eat far too much cholesterol
in your diet such as eating goats and cows
brains which contains the highest amount of cholesterol in foods, or if you eat
a 100 eggs a day, you will not get a heart attack or a stroke provided many other more important
causative factors such as obesity, sedentary life, smoking, hypertension, stress, constant anger, unforgiving
personality etc, etc are under control.
These other factors are the much more
important root causes of cardiovascular events than blaming it on high
blood cholesterol.
In the event of excessively high intake of dietary cholesterol, your body will automatically shut down its own internal (endogenous) production so that your blood cholesterol is always stabilized at normal levels. This is called endogenous (internal) homeostatic feedback mechanism. This is very simple biochemistry and very simple nutrition. You don’t require a PhD to understand this.
The amount of cholesterol through
food intake (exogenous intake) is very insignificant no matter how much the
intake, compared with what the liver is capable of producing daily (endogenous
Eggs for example, are one of the
richest sources of cholesterol. A
large egg weighing about 50 gm contains about 185 mg milligrams (mg) of
cholesterol all of which are present only in the yolk.
Let us say you eat 10 eggs a day
(which is very abnormal). This means there will be an intake of 1850 mg of
cholesterol per day.
If you consider the average blood
volume of a reference man weighing 65 kg, the amount of cholesterol synthesized
by the body is about 1000 mg. For a reference man with a body weight of about
65 kg, the blood volume would be between 5 – 5.5 liters.
Let us say it is
5 liters (5,000 ml.) for easy calculations.
That means theoretically there is an increase of 1850 mg / 5000 ml = 37 mg / 100 ml of cholesterol in the blood.
Let us say your
blood cholesterol is 185 mg / dl. An increase of 37 mg brings it up to 222 mg /
dl. This is nothing and considered still “normal”, and also provided the liver
does nothing about this.
But the liver is not sitting there doing nothing. It is the busiest organ in the entire body having to process thousands of chemical
reactions every day even if the rest of the body went to sleep. This is simple
In the event
there is too much exogenous intake of dietary cholesterol, the liver stops
producing its own (endogenous) cholesterol. This is a biochemical feedback
Not just that. The liver just throws out all the excess cholesterol whether from eggs, from other food-derived sources, or from its own production. It just throws them out through the bile.
But before that,
to cut a very complex and lengthy biochemistry very short, the cholesterol is first oxidized by the liver into a mixture of
various bile acids. They
are then combined with glycine, taurine, glucuronic acid, and salts in the
bile. A mixture of this
conjugated and other free bile acids, along with the free cholesterol itself
are then all thrown out by the liver through the bile.
Some 95% of the bile acids are
reabsorbed from the intestines, and the rest are lost in the feces.
Approximately, 1000 mg of
cholesterol are thrown out by the liver each day.
This means, even if you eat 10
eggs a day, theoretically
about 1850 – 1000 mg = 850 mg only are available to the body for very important biochemical and physiological functions such as for cell
membranes events, nervous systems bio-functions, the synthesis of very
important hormones and some categories of vitamins.
also means, for the body to get only 850 mg free available cholesterol a day by
eating as much as 10 eggs a day, this would be far too insufficient for the
body to function normally.
imagine, only a tiny 850 mg of cholesterol were left even if you (abnormally)
eat as much as 10 cholesterol-laden eggs a day. Nobody eats 10 eggs
every day anyway.
So why
are these idiotic doctors, bogus nutritionists, food faddists, health conscious
extremists, and food fanatics running about naked in the streets shouting about the
“dangers” of eating foods high in cholesterol?
are the people, including those fanatic
and extremist doctors and bogus nutritionists (and I am not bothered who
they are, even if they are “learned professors”) who are completely blind to research findings. They have no clue what they
are talking, or what they are shouting naked in the streets about cholesterol
and heart attacks.
live light years behind the advancement of science, biochemistry, medicine and
nutrition. They are the radicals and health extremists who
have not read a single research paper in their entire life.
have no clue what was published inside learned journals. They only read
newspapers, women’s magazines and copy and paste from Wikipedia.
are the people that are only capable of “copy and paste” from Internet gossips
and send “copy-paste garbage” to me
and to the rest of blind morons.
are the blind health extremists and the free radicals moving in our midst to
deceive a mass of equally blind crowd.
It is
a case of a blind leading a crowd of blind into mass hysteria.
say, “In the valley of the blind, the one eye man is king.”