
Sunday, December 06, 2015

Dr. JB Lim Quips at “Organic Foods”

Note:  The blogger’s most-learned e-buddy Dr. JB Lim took “health freaks”  to task for spreading misinformation about ”organic foods”  as follows:

Date: Sunday, 6 December, 2015, 3:10 AM

Thanks Sifu flyer,

This stuff called "organic foods" - all these modern pseudo-half-cooked, half-past-six  health freaks, food-health and nutrition extremists and health radicals are all shouting and swearing about, wasting their money, and other people’s money and time too buying and eating all these “organic stuff”.
Do you think you can arrange for me to give a 2-3 day seminar-lecture about this stuff using my resources from properly trained and professionally-qualified knowledge on chemistry, physiology, biochemistry, food science, food toxicology, food quality control, analytical food chemistry, microbiology, nutrition, medicine and nutrition research to put to rest all these ‘health-food infidels’ or rather their freak beliefs?  All these people are health extremists and health radicals roaming in our society and deceiving others too to waste their money.

I would be wasting my 15 years of university training across 5 universities, plus 25 years of medical research if I don’t intervene to educate these health and "organic food" freaks.

The only organic substances I know are all the organic compounds made from carbon I studied in organic chemistry - and that includes all foods which are already organic by nature. You cannot make them more "organic" than what God has already endowed for all of us living in the world. These freaks should not make themselves smarter than an Almighty God. Epidemiological studies have shown over and over again of communities who all managed to live healthily well past 100 years without eating a single grain of so-called man-made "organic foods". They all ate ONLY the existing organic foods arising from Good Mother Earth God gave them naturally mixed up with other "organic" and “inorganic stuff" others put inside the soil.
Anyone wants to challenge me?

Tell me when do you want it, and give me about 5 days to prepare the slides and to include tens of hundreds of published papers and the references on this subject to prove my point to bomb all these food extremists.

Thanks for all the rubbish circulating around.

Jb lim