
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

My association with Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM)

I first joined IEM as a Student Member in September, 1979 when I was in my final year study of Civil Engineering in the University of Singapore.

Upon graduation and while serving my 2-year compulsory service with JKR, I applied for transfer to become a Graduate Member of IEM on 28th October, 1980.

I passed my Professional Interview and was admitted as a Corporate Member of IEM on 19th July, 1984.

I volunteered to join the Standing Committee on Information & Publications (InfoPub) and the Bulletin Editorial Board as a member for the Session 2005/2006.

I was appointed to be the Secretary of the InfoPub Standing Committee for the Session 2007/2008 and maintain the post until today.  I take great pride in this voluntary continuous service.
Yesterday on 11th July, 2017, we had our 460th meeting of the Standing Committee on Information & Publications and 111th meeting of the Bulletin Editorial Board from 5.30pm till 7.30pm at Bangunan Ingenieur, P.J.  Group photos of those present were taken after meeting and posted as below:  
Front row from left: Ir. CMM Aboobucker (Library Sub-com Chairman), Ir. Yap Soon Hoe (IEM Hon. Sec.), Ir. Mohd. Khir Muhd (Vice Chairman cum Bulletin Editor), Ir. Prof. Dr. Ruslan Hassan (Stand. Com. Chairman cum Chief Editor), Ir. Lau Tai Onn (Stand. Com. Secretary).
Back row from left: Committee Members Ir. Dr. Oh Seong Por, Ir. Abd. Razak Yakob, Ir. Chin Mee Poon, Ms. Michelle Lau Chui Chui, Ir. Ong Guan Hock and Secretariat staff Ms. Janet Lim.  (Another secretariat staff Ms. May Lee was on the other photo).
 Below are the line-up of IEM Council since Session 2005/2006: