first joined IEM as a Student Member in September, 1979 when I was in my final
year study of Civil Engineering in the University of Singapore .
graduation and while serving my 2-year compulsory service with JKR, I applied
for transfer to become a Graduate Member of IEM on 28th October,
passed my Professional Interview and was admitted as a Corporate Member of IEM
on 19th July, 1984.
volunteered to join the Standing Committee on Information & Publications
(InfoPub) and the Bulletin Editorial Board as a member for the Session
was appointed to be the Secretary of the InfoPub Standing Committee for the
Session 2007/2008 and maintain the post until today. I take great pride in this voluntary
continuous service.
on 11th July, 2017, we had our 460th meeting of the
Standing Committee on Information & Publications and 111th
meeting of the Bulletin Editorial Board from 5.30pm till 7.30pm at Bangunan
Ingenieur, P.J. Group photos of those
present were taken after meeting and posted as below:
are the line-up of IEM Council since Session 2005/2006: