
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

A Comment by an ex-Journalist on my NYSP Column Article

The following is a comment (in Chinese) posted by a fellow chat group friend Ms. Chia Chong Lang (谢春兰), an ex-journalist of 36 years of experience with Sin Chew Daily (22 years) and Nanyang Siang Pau  (14 years) respectively, in our Go Go Chat Group on September 14, 2021 in response to my column article entitled “A Short Review of ‘Paradise Lost: Mahathir and The End of Hope’ published in Nanyang Siang Pau (NYSP) on the same day. 

I was later suggested  by Mr. Aw Eng Sun to translate the comment into English and forward to Dato’ Dennis Ingnatius,, the author of the book ‘Paradise Lost’ , for his reference.


I am happy to oblige and did my best to do the translation this morning, as appended  herewith below the Chinese text.


The original text (unedited) from Ms. Chia CL:


丹尼斯用“失乐园” 一词匠心独运,泰安兄的书评/短评亦是如此匠心独运 上上佳作也

泰安兄此文充分体现其文字控高深功力 用词简练清新 对老马看法 与丹尼斯一致 意气相投 写来一气呵成

更重要的是 他们都点出了老马的缺点和对国家的无穷危害 说出人民的心声丶痛和无奈 看了痛快

以丹尼斯的年龄看 一个有36年经验的外交官 应该历经从东姑(至少已成年)至今的9位首相 而且甚至应该在老马任相22年期间曾因大马举办多场国际论坛/对话时与众驻外国大使受召回国与马举行特别会议而与之亲密接触 近距观察和了解 见多识广的 他当有更深感触 感慨良多 这些感受 应该都尽在书中表述 也给予泰安兄很大的发挥空间

当然 若非泰安兄英文造诣高深 恐怕无法在这么短的时间内消化”失乐园“一书,并如此挥洒自如地评论且评得很好

所以说 因为泰安兄精通华英文 才能写此如此精悍精彩短评 双赞

English Translation of Ms. Chia CL’s comment:

Dennis use of “Paradise Lost" to name his book is truly ingenious. As so is bro. Lau’s short review of the book, an excellent work.   

Lau’s article reflects his high-standard command of literary skills and use of concise and refreshing words. His opinions on Mahathir are consistent with Dennis, congenial and coherent.

Most importantly, they both pointed out the demerits of Mahathir and the tremendous damage inflicted upon the country by him. They expressed the people’s voices, agony and helplessness. What a jolly read!

Judging from Dennis’ age and a veteran diplomat with 36 years of experience, he must have gone through 9 prime ministers to the present since the days of Tunku Abdul Rahman (he must be at least a grown-up then).  He should have had close contact with Mahathir during the latter’s 22 years’ reign as PM, involved in many international forums organized by Malaysia, summoned home with other ambassadors for special meetings with the government and etc. Through such close observations and understanding, a knowledgeable Dennis must have deep feelings and strong emotions about the man in Mahathir, explicitly expressed in his book and provided bro. Lau a lot of room to play.

Of course, barring bro. Lau’s command of the English language, he could not have digested “Paradise Lost” in a short time and came out with a good review. His proficiency in both Chinese and English makes the review an excellent read. Kudos to him!