Thank You P. Pheng

Tuesday, 13 Sep, 2011 7: 04 PM

It's most relieved to learn that he had landed safely in US. I just got to know a little bit of his current status from his Facebook posting (but he is never active in FB) while in transit in Singapore and Tokyo.
This is the first time Wai Kit has travelled so far abroad, but then he has been all along very independent considering the fact that he had stayed away from home when he was only 13 years old to study Junior Middle 1 (or Form 1) untll Juninor Middle 3 in Seremban and stayed in the school's hostel for 3 years. And then again he stayed in a rented apartment room in Wangsa Maju, KL to pursue his university studies since 2007 until he graduated recently.
Tai Onn

Wednesday, 14 Sep, 2011 11: 01 AM
You are most welcome. It was not a problem at all. The airport is about 32 km from our home, so in Arizona distance, it is not too far. I suggested to Wai Kit to find a room close to the airport so they can go directly to the bus station the next morning. When we brought them to the youth hostel, my husband said that if the place looks bad and it's not in a safe location, we will bring them to our house for the night and drive them out the next day. The hostel seems okay. It is an older home than has been converted into a hostel and the staff seems quite friendly and nice.
I actually cooked dinner at home and packed the dinner for the boys in case they were tired and hungry when they arrived and we were also concerned if there were any flight delays. It worked out much better instead of trying to find a place around the airport to eat.

I will send a you photo that was taken at the youth hostel last night.
Please give my regards to S.Ai. I also gave Wai Kit some phone cards, so they can make calls home to their families.
Best Regards,
P. Pheng

Thank you very much.
Soh Ai & Tai Onn
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