
Monday, May 24, 2021

Recommendations Of Steam Inhalation Against Covid Virus By Dr. JB Lim

The blogger’s note:  
In response to a query about steam inhalation against Covid from his brother Lim Yew Tong in Singapore, Dr. Lim Ju Boo wrote the following reply on 20/05/2021 @ 9.18 pm and shared it with his Golden Ox chat group:

Dear brother Yew Tong (others in this chat can share too),

As far as your question which are the anti-viral oils you need to add into the boiling water for steam inhalation against Covid virus, I have already given the list in my blog here

One of the best antivirus oil to use into the boiling water as well as for oral consumption is garlic oil. 

To make a garlic oil infusion at home, crush garlic cloves and add them to a carrier oil (like olive oil).

Let the mixture sit for about five hours, and then strain the bits of garlic and keep the oil in a jar with a lid. This infusion can also be used as an antiviral herb for cold sores, virus infection (probably for Covid as well?) when used topically, not just orally or administered via steam. 

Another extremely strong antivirus oil to consider is tea tree oil that I forgot to add into my list. 

The rest in their order of antivirus actions I have given in my list are oils of eucalyptus in 1 on the list, cinnamon bark in 2, lime or lemon in 6 and 14, peppermint in 16, and oregano. 

From my knowledge in natural medicine, I think thyme oil is almost as effective as eucalyptus oil. 

It is best to add a mixture of all these antiviral oils than use a single stand alone oil. 

Their efficacy is the synergistic effects of multiple oils rather than the sum of all of them acting in singles. 

You try to find a shop somewhere in Singapore where they sell aromatic essential oils they use for aromatherapy. 

It is not necessary you need to get all of them I suggest here, but try to get as much as you can from an aromatherapy shop somewhere. 

I highly recommend you follow up steam inhalation with these antivirus oils added into the boiling water in the protocols suggested in my blog with fine nebuliser sprays of these oils in your room 24 hours a day. 

You can buy the nebulising machine from the aromatherapy shop in Singapore I am sure. 

A lot of people recommend only plain steam inhalation. This is not enough. Add a combination of antiviral oils into the boiling water. The steam is just a physical therapy, but it is these oils that inhibit the pathogenicity of this virus. 

Combine both approaches. 

The mechanism how steam works I have already briefly explained in layman's  language for the benefit of everyone. 

Augment steam inhalation with oral administration of the following nutraceuticals here in Ir TO Lau blog: 

Therapy for Coronavirus Infection and Prevention by Dr. JB Lim

The nutradynamics (mode of actions) how cod liver oils and vitamin C works is already explained in Ir Lau's blog. 

Add on the following immune enhancing botanical medications into the above list to be taken orally: 

1. Echinacea 2 tab tds

2. Elderberry 2 tab bd

3. Andrographis 1 tab od

I hope I have been of help. 

Thank you once again for your phone call. 

Jb lim


In a separate message in the chat group on 21/05/2021 @ 6:32 pm, Dr.JB Lim briefly explained the conduct of medical research as follows: 

These suggestions (as posted above) are the best I can give based on existing knowledge I know on the antiviral properties found in the essentials oils in many aromatic herbs, the list I have already given in my blog. 

However evidence-based studies need to be conducted to confirm a hypothesis. 

This is how we conduct medical research or do a PhD degree. 

What we normally do is to search the literature for as much info as possible. 

We then sit down quietly, analyzing and thinking critically on their findings. We then build up our own hypothesis in a very scientific and analytical manner.

Next we begin to carry out a study based on our personal hypothesis, collect the data and analyse them accordingly to acceptable statistical protocols to confirm the hypothesis. 

Normally what we initially suspect are almost near 99.9% confirmed to be correct. 

But if they are different from what we expect we will also report and record them to help and guide other future researchers after us.

This is how we as researchers stick on to scientific ethics, academic honesty and professional code of practice. 

We will then record our results as zero which part of the results of our research, and zero results is perfectly acceptable. We don't claim and cheat.

Hence when I suggested using an aromatic nebuliser to spray an ultra fine mist of anti viral aromatic oils into the air inside our room or house to fill up the entire house 24 hours a day with these mixtures of antivirus oils to act as a blocking screen just like a smoke screen to kill all viruses including SARS-CoV-2 virus and bacteria in the air, walls, doors, beds... etc., this is personal hypothesis I forwarded that I strongly believe would be far, far, more efficient than wearing useless masks, washing our hands, social distancing... etc, etc.

These wearing masks and washing hands are what others all the time are talking about without offering other easier alternatives. 

Not just the antiviral benefits in the air alone, the aroma of these these ultra fine mists of these oils filling the air in our bedrooms are extremely pleasant to smell and provides us a very relaxing effect which by itself is already an immune system booster. 


Lim jb