Friday, January 14, 2022

Morning Hiking at Bukit Enggang, Bandar Sungai Long on January 14, 2022

This morning I went hiking at Bukit Enggang or Sungai Long Hike from 6.40 am till 8.20am with my buddy Yong YK, later joined by Lai FS.

A place of interest was introduced by Yong near the foot of hill, i.e a peaceful, serene, calm trail along small, low waterfall and river leading to the main road of Desa Budiman.

The trail on a slope was a narrow and a bit steep, with trees along the way serving as walking supports.

The following are snapshots taken for the record:

I was first to arrive at Sg Long Hike

A pose with Yong YK

Lai FS arriving as Yong and I were walking down hill

Only Lai dared to climb up the slope

A group photo of us

As we were walking down Sg. Long Hike, I for the first time visited a small and low waterfall soon.

The trail towards the waterfall is quite steep

A view of the low waterfall 

A gazebo for Lukla hikers

Lukla Camp for Lukla hikers / hash group acitivities


At the main road of Desa Budiman

Short video clip of the waterfall



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