
Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Before adjournment of the 444th meeting of the Standing Committee on Information and Publication (Session 2015/2016) of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) this evening of January 12, 2016, a member Ir. Dr. Oh suggested for all of us who attended to pose for a group photo in conjunction with the first meeting of this Standing Committee in the new year of 2016.

I have been attached to this Standing Committee since 2005 (as an ordinary member from 2005 and the secretary since 2007 till now) and no such group photo of members of this Committee has ever been taken all these years.  It takes a newly-joined member like Ir. Dr. Oh to initiate such a sentimental move.
Seated from left: Ir. CMM Aboobucker (Chairman, Sub-committee on Library), Ir. Mohd Khir Muhammad (Vice Chairman cum Bulletin Editor), Ir. Prof. Dr. Ruslan Hassan (Chairman cum Chief Editor), the blogger (Secretary).
Standing from left: Engr. Dr. Wang Hong Kok, Ir. Terjinder Singh, Ir. Yee Thien Seng, Ir. Chin Mee Poon, Ir. Dr. Oh Seong Por

Another shot by courtesy of Ir. Dr. Oh