By Dr. Lim Ju Boo written from Hospital K.L.
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2020, 11:20 am
This article is dedicated to my good old Sifu friend Ir. Lau Tai Onn who always enjoys sharing each other’s life experiences.
Blinkered Vision:
I think the world is like a frog in a well to blame the origin of this coronavirus Covid-19 using earthly scientific theories such as bats, pangolins, civet cats, as vectors.
When no satisfactory evidences confirm this belief other than similar genomes of viruses isolated from these animals to those found in humans, they then put the blame on China for artificially creating this virus in their virology institute in Wuhan.
Earlier Findings:
Others say it was created in the US, and yet this virus was already isolated much earlier in sewage water in Brazil, Italy, Spain and other countries.
All sorts of conspiracies and other theories began to arise and being circulated.
Biblical Verses:
However very few has mentioned the possibility of God sending plagues, disease, famine, pestilence, war, famine and death as the harbinger of death to this world.
Although the Bible did not mention coronavirus specifically, the word plague was used several times throughout the Bible.
Genesis mentioned about the 10 plagues that befell on the ancient land of Egypt, the first being the Nile turning into blood followed by others to force Pharaoh to let the Israelis go.
Then in Ezekiel it spoke about wild beasts (virus perhaps), plagues (diseases) and sword (death), and famine.
Further down to Leviticus 13 it mentioned about infectious diseases, then in 2 Chronicles 7 where versus mentioned on events of doom and death.
Leaving the Old Testament towards the last Book of Revelation in Chapter 6, in the New Testament it spoke of the 4 Horsemen (Seal) to foretell Apocalypse on Earth towards end times.
There are many more verses that spoke on similar events such as wars and disease we see the world over today.
But since I am now using my small smart phone to type awkwardly and uncomfortably from my hospital bed in Kuala Lumpur Hospital, I cannot quote all these verses scattered here and there, let alone interpret them in detail.
Greed for Political Powers:
One thing we are sure. All these plagues (diseases, viral, microbial or rich lifestyles) have much to do with our greed, material or political, for wealth and powers.
We can clearly see after the election in Sabah where Covid-19 infection is the highest in this country soon after election where all political parties were fighting each other for power.
Similar scenarios are seen in the current trade and cold war between great nations like America and China where the numbers of coronavirus infections are also the highest.
But the least infection is seen among the poorer countries except India where people merely erk out a simple living day to day.
None of what I wrote here has been described elsewhere except reading their 'scientific theories' and political agenda.
Preventive and Social Medicine:
This causes confusion worldwide as to its biological origin and the political purpose of this pandemic, resulting in a race to develop a safe and effective vaccine for global combat against this virus.
Prior to that, health authorities suggested lockdown, movement control, social distancing, hand washing, wearing masks and.etc.
Then they started to advise against gathering for collective worships to God, but allowed elections to proceed as in Sabah with politicians and their supporters roaming freely causing an exponential surge in the disease in the State of Sabah.
They all forgot God, but only crave for earthly political powers.
Alternative Scientific Theories:
On the extreme, we get scientists writing theories on the coronavirus origin, and started to blame animals as carriers, but none so far has explained how did this first virus brought by animals come about? They quietly and conveniently avoid this question.
Let me put my question to my scientific friends and colleagues.
Have they ever explained how this virus through the long history of gradual mutations, perhaps over million of years, may have changed other viruses into this group of coronaviruses, and finally manifest itself as SARS-CoV-2 to plague this world onto our knees?
Allow me to share my thoughts with my scientific counterparts who are experts in other fields of sciences, but not on evolutionary biology or in astronomy and astrobiology, areas I am familiar with.
Origin of all Life:
One of the beliefs on the origin of life on Earth is the panspermia theory that biomolecules were seeded here by comets or perhaps to my personal belief by an Unseen Hand.
They were all created, not spontaneously evolved (abogenesis) from a once sterile and exceedingly hot world after the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago.
It was once thought life could have been evolved spontaneously from non matter (spontaneous generation).
It is now replaced by abiogenesis as one of the modern evolutionary theories how life originated.
It was once believed that complex living organisms such as rats, maggots and etc. could evolve spontaneously from nonliving matter.
This used to be a popular brief for many years until experiments by Louis Pasteur and others proved that no life can sprout out from a sterile environment.
Now, this theory is superseded by biogenesis, which asserts that living things can only arisen from another living thing, and not from non-living matter.
The modern hypothesis of abiogenesis is now restricted in the presumption that the relatively simpler, earliest life forms arose from nonliving matter, such as organic compounds, and that this process was gradual, and not a single event, but the transitions have taken over millions of years.
Unfortunately, even a biogenesis including Charles Darwin theory on evolution still cannot explain how the first life including prelife form like viruses including the current SARS-CoV-2 came into existence if we refuse to accept God as the Creator of all these things, including space, time, gravity and other forces inclusive of all life.
Without giving this credit due to God we will forever go round and round in circles seeking an answer how SARS-CoV-2 and all other viruses emerge as a harbinger of death.
The Earth created 4.5 billion years ago after the Big Bang was exceedingly hot, probably to the tune of 2,3000 Kelvin.
Around that searing temperature no life can be planted, let alone exist on Earth.
It was around 350 - 250 million years ago that the temperature dropped drastically to around 40 degrees Celsius that remnants of life was found.
Earlier biotic life was found in 4.1 billion year old rocks in Western Australia and earlier microorganisms may have existed as early as 4.28 billion years ago, not long after the oceans were formed 4.4 billion years ago.
Viruses and other precursors of life molecules may have existed earlier and latest 1.5 billion years ago.
Whatever the findings, we still have no satisfactory answer how the molecules of life suddenly became alive.
Just like the conspiracies surrounding the origin of Covid-19, various theories have been forwarded such as was the first life found in the thermal vents on ocean floors?
Still we have not yet defined exactly what life is, and how non-living molecules suddenly or gradually sprang alive for us to now define the characteristics of life using MRS GREN as its acronym if we refuse to credit God as the supreme Creator of all things - including SARS-CoV-2 and from our Milky Way Galaxy to the furthest of all galaxies, the MACS0647-JD lying 13.26 billion light years away.
Unfortunately, scientists, politicians and nations prefer to forward their frog-in-well theories and unfounded conspiracies.
Jb lim