
Thursday, January 07, 2021

Gravitational Tidal Influence On Length Of A Day

The blogger’s note:

Ms. Lim Soo Inn, a friend of Dr. JB Lim, posed a question in a chat group on January 2, 2021: “Dr. Lim, I would like to ask you a question. Do you sense time flies faster nowadays than a couple of years ago? Why? Something to do with the Earth's electric field or interference by dirty electricity, technology which then affect human behaviour and health?”

The blogger is requested by Dr. Lim to re-post his reply already given in the chat group on the same day into this blog for the benefit of more readers as follows:

Dear Soo Inn, Good Morning to you and thank you for your question. 

Unfortunately it is the opposite.

The Earth is actually slowing down due to the tidal braking action of the Moon's gravitational forces on the Earth.

As the Earth rotates on its axis, the Moon lifts both the Earth ocean's waters and a very small rise on the land's solid mass as both liquid ocean and solid land mass tides sweep over the Earth twice a day. 


In so doing, the Earth loses rotational energy and angular momentum due to the fiction of their tides.

Since energy cannot be destroyed except conserved or changed, the Moon then recedes from Earth to conserve this angular momentum between Earth and Moon.

This she does by receding from Earth at a rate of 3.6 cm per year since the time Earth was born 4.5 billion years ago.

Meantime, the Earth's rotation correspondingly slows down due to tidal fiction. 


It has been slowing down at a rate of 6 hours since 2,740 years ago which is about 1.78 millisecond every 100 years causing an increase in the length of a day by 2.3 millisecond per century since the 8th Century BCE.

Currently the length of a day is 24 hours, but if we want to be as hair-splitting as an astronomer, a day more accurately called a sidereal period is 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.09053 seconds. 


Astronomers as scientists are able to calculate and determine such ultra fine level of accuracy by using the atomic clock that has an accuracy variation of just 1 billionth of a second per day or one second in 30 million years.


Your concept that time flies faster today than many years ago is due to our stress in life and hurried lifestyle..

These days people have no time for themselves or for any other things and are always unnecessarily feeling stressed out, always short of time and always complaining ungratefully.

This has completely nothing to do with the current speed of Earth’s rotation and the length of a day. 


In fact it is the opposite. When life first emerged on Earth 3.5 billion years ago, life on Earth was given only 12 hours a day.

But now with the grace of our Creator, He has given us 24 hours a day, by slowly lengthening it.

He already know this, and planned this in such a way as part of His program to meet our increasingly hurried lifestyles, and yet we still feel it is not enough.

How ungrateful we are to feel God has not given us sufficient time.

Somehow in His hidden ways we cannot understand why God has planned this question in advance for you so that we now know why He has lengthen the day twice as long as He first created Earth, yet you feel you are short of time. 

I hope through His hidden guidance I have answered your question.

It makes my morning and day useful and joyful to be guided by Him.


Jb lim