Title of
talk: “Nutrition and Cancer: The
Dynamics and Kinetics of New Lamps for Old”
Speaker: Dr JB Lim BSc PG Dip Nutr MSc MD PhD
Time and
Date: 4 pm – 6 pm, Saturday, May 23,
Venue: The Malaysian Association for the Blind
Kompleks MAB,
Jalan Tebing, Off Jalan Tun Sambanthan
4, Brickfields,
50470, Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, 50470
(MAB is just next
door to Tun Samabanthan KL Mono Rail Station)
All welcomed. The talk is free-of-charge. Refreshment will
be served after the talk
The following are
the recent emails from Dr. JB Lim to his e-buddies regarding his preparation of
the above-said talk:
From: Lim Juboo
Date: Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 6:21 PM
Just for your info, I will be giving a talk to the Cancer
Survival Society on May 23 (Saturday) from 4 – 6 pm at the Malaysian Association
for the Blind in Brickfields.
My talk will be based also on this very new approach in
cancer prevention and treatment. It shall be on the same molecular
biological-nutritional concept as what Dr Betty developed.
But mine shall be on a wide spectrum of issues pertaining to
cancer pathology, molecular medicine,
cellular signaling, etc, and eventual how we may use existing anti-angiogenic principles found in ordinary, but selected
fruits and vegetables so cheaply available in our morning and night
Malaysian markets. That is going to be a great leap if we can understand this,
and able to select those very special foods as part of our cancer-protective and 'curative' diets.
I shall explain their dynamics and kinetic how they may be
used to prevent and to “cure” cancer
without the use of horrendously expensive and highly toxic cytotoxic drugs
So do come for my talk. I think it is going to be very
interesting session, a very special presentation as this has never heard
before. I have already prepared over 100
slides for this. So do come with
your family and friends. It is going to benefit a lot of people against cancer
and other diseases.
Sunday 12 April, 2015 8:48 PM
From: Lim Juboo
In my coming public talk, I shall explain how cancer can both be prevented and
treated using recent discoveries in nutritional sciences and molecular biology.
I shall explain this in my up coming talk at the Malaysian Association for the
Blind on Saturday, May 23, 2015 between 4:00 - 6:00 pm.
I have already prepared over
100 illustrative slides to cover a lot of fields on this. I shall cover epidemiology, pathology, immunology,
cellular chemistry, toxicology, molecular biology, cell signaling, anti-cancer
principles in foods, how they act, how they protect, and yet how they can also
cause cancers, among others.
Some ideas on food chemistry need to come in also, and also
I need to uncover how scientists are now copying
Nature - biologically active substances as found in certain foods to develop an
entirely new range of drugs (not chemotherapy) to fight cancer, both
prophylactic and therapeutically Scientists have now found significant
success in this area. I shall explain this approach, giving a lot of people
hope challenged with cancer.
My slides are still in crude form and need to be polished. I
need to research and think a lot on them - on how to make them very simple and
easy to understand. This is the hardest part.
I think this presentation will be an eye opener for
everybody who cares to come and listen because it is so new, combining so many
disciplines of medicine, nutrition, food science, and medical sciences put
together in a joint effort to prevent and slow down cancers.
Do come with all your friends. It will be something new for
everybody. Knowledge and information about health and difficult diseases will
be worth a thousand wedding ang pows. So what I gave to my friend last evening
was absolutely nothing.
From: Lim Juboo
Date: Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 3:46 AM
Thanks for your interest and support. Come to my talk on
"Cancer and Nutrition" which highlight on recent advances and
discoveries on cancer treatment using just mainly food. This
new approach is so very, very cheap, so novel, and more successful than all
those God-forbidden out of range expensive and highly toxic chemotherapy.
I have already prepared nearly
100 slides so far, but still to improve and edit them according to my
literature search in the hundreds which is still in progress.
A lot of work and evidenced-based scientific thinking and
analysis are still to be done as I need to present
them in a professional and ethical manner, yet make a highly technical subject
reachable to ordinary audience.
There will be a lot of doctors and research scientists too
who told me they will come. This is a very difficult subject but I think I can
manage to make it simple, illustrative
and to down-to-earth for everybody.
How come there is
now new hope for cancer management? I shall
explain this clearly in my talk at the Malaysian Association for the Blind on
Saturday, 23rd May, 4:00 - 6:00 pm.
Bring along your learned colleagues and friends also. I
would be delighted to see you again.
The response from the Great Sifu after the blogger informed him about this posting:
Monday, 20 April, 2015 1:56 AM
Thank you Ir Lau for "selling" me. It is not just selling
but I think you are over-selling me. I am not worth all those advertisement you
intend to put up on my behalf albeit it lends tremendous support getting people
to come. Else the hall may be empty except for the chairman and myself
(hopefully not)
No doubt I
like as many as possible to come. It works both ways:
cancer is a very difficult disease to treat, but there is hope for everyone
challenged with this disease if we understand how we can not just prevent it,
but even block it from progressing further with special dietary principles
found in Nature. What's more, so cheaply too instead of using highly
toxic and very expensive cytotoxic drugs (chemotherapy). I shall explain the entire
dynamics how this works.
What is frightening is cancer is on the rise in Malaysia and globally, and all of
us do have cancer lurking in our bodies without us realizing it. It is a matter
of time when it clinically strikes. That's No 1 why it is so useful and
important an issue for people to come and listen.
The second
reason why I need support is because the amount of time and effort I have
already put in, reading over hundreds of research papers and standard textbooks
on this subject, and how to put all these highly complicated technical
languages and findings in a ridiculously simple way so that I can get all the
info across to an ordinary audience, albeit some of my doctor friends will also
be attending.
For all these time and trouble, it is completely free-of-charge, and yet I
believe and hope many will benefit from listening. The only cost for them is to
take the trouble to come. That's all I want. There is no commercial value so
kindly do not over sell me. I gain absolutely nothing monetarily. I only
hope to benefit everybody within that very, very short 2 hours for me to
cramp up everything from pathology, immunology, food science and nutrition,
molecular medicine down to how the body respond to this very difficult
Thanks a lot for your effort too to support me.

kindest regards
lim jb
Labels: The Thoughts of Dr JB Lim
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