The Blogger’s note: In response to an email circulated among the e-buddies inviting attendance to a health talk on “Healthy Vegetarian”, the good-hearted Dr JB Lim offers his professional advice as follows: Friday, 27 May, 2011 7:55 PM
From: lim juboo
Dear Buddies,
This was sent to me. Thank you. I am passing it round.I think it is worth while attending this talk as I am all for the importance of nutrition especially the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables as strongly advocated as part of the teaching of preventive medicine for doctors and nutritionists.
There is no use adopting a dietary lifestyle that damages your health and trying to find a 'quick cure' for it with all sorts of quackery drugs prescribed by your equally quackery money-making doctor. There is absolutely no ‘quick cure’ or ‘fixed it up medicine’ for anyone as long as you wish to remain on this planet. I do not know if there is any
after you leave this world? You may like to ask Osama bin Laden how he is doing over there in the Hell of Fire with his 74 virgins there. I do not know. There is absolutely a no 'cure', and a big no 'cure' for all chronic and degenerative diseases of lifestyles and nutrition-related disorders. Do not be deceived by members of the health-care professions that by taking the medicine eternally as prescribed by your doctor you will be ‘alright’. You will not be alright.
You will poison yourself eternally with all those drugs, and your problems shall remain forever with you together with even more other diseases of similar dietary lifestyles. More and more drugs you will be taking until your premature departure from this world.
‘Satu biji, 3 kali sebelum / selapas makan’ and all those rubbish drugs is not going to help you or ‘put right’ your messy health problems over again.
This reminds me of the nursery rhyme I used to sing as a child. ‘Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall’ and ‘Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. And all the king’s horses, and All the King’s men, Could not put Humpty together again’.So beautiful and meaningful that nursery lyric is to me now. I wish to echo that seemingly ‘very childish’ song I learnt as a child, but now seemingly very, very meaningful to me and to everyone else seeking for the maintenance of good physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and religious health. Once your health falls, you just fall - you can never get it back again.
Once you fall (in health) you will spiral one after another in a vicious circle. I am telling you this like gospel truth and with authority. Don’t think or ever hope your doctor or all those quackery medicine he gave you 'satu biji lima kali sebelum belum or selapas makan' is going to put you - the ‘Humpty Dumpty’ together again.
You are a ‘Dump(ty)’ if you believe this? Are you an idiot to believe that just by taking medicine ‘satu biji tiga kali, bebelum or selapas makan’ and ignore everything else that concerns your nutrition, behavioral, attitude, occupational, exposure, social and environmental, spiritual, and all other causative factors, you will be in ‘perfect’ health? Take this question very, very seriously.
All health-care professionals (including myself) who advise you to continue to take medicine regularly, and come back for more after you have finished, are all professional and business quackery to the highest degree to empty all your bank accounts. I am telling you and all of them this - straight in the face.
I am telling you this truthfully with professional authority and integrity. Listen, or just leave it.
So if you like come and listen to a talk on lifestyle, health and disease. But always ask for his academic credentials first. There are also a lot of bogus ‘nutritionists’ around these days selling ‘food supplements’ That is another problem we also have to face.Research Nutritionist lim ju boo
BSc (Physiology. & Pharmacology)
Post-grad Dip Nutrition, MSc, MD, PhD (Med), FRSPH, FRSM
Clinical Research Nutritionist & Medical Toxicologist
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
Senior Medical Researcher &
Head of Community & Behavioural Medicine
Institute for Medical Research
Ministry of Health, Malaysia
Special Medical Adviser & Chief Science Adviser
Head of Technical Advisory Board
The Dyna Pharmaceutical Group
Labels: The Thoughts of Dr JB Lim