Sunday, January 31, 2021

Herd or Shared Immunity vs. Vaccination -- Explained in A Very Simple Way

by Dr. Lim Ju Boo

Rev. 30/01/2021 7:44PM


The Scenario:


Let A, B, C, D … represent 4 individuals in a population.

None of them were initially infected by Covid-19 virus.

Imagine A first gets infected.

Person A if he survives then produces an antibody against the virus.  

Let us call this antibody or immunoglobulin as Ig.

Ig. now gets tagged on to the virus to weaken it.    

Let's now imagine the weakened virus carrying the tagged Ig. escapes into the air to infect person B.

Person B recognizes it as a human Ig. tagged along with a strange virus.

Person B then adds on his own Ig. to trim down the virus further.

The virus now gets a double dose of Ig.

The virus then escapes again into the air and infects person C.

Person C also recognizes this new virus and downgrades it further with the same or more appropriate antibodies if the virus has mutated.

This is a triple dose of the same or different types of antibodies against the already doubly weakened virus.                                                                                                                                      

Person C then infects the 4th person D.


Chain Reaction:

Person D recognizes the same, and shares its immunoglobulin alongside those already contributed by persons A, B and C, and if necessary, by modifying its Ig. further if the virus tries to fight back by mutating into multiple strains.

This chain of natural immunological barricades goes all the way down to infect persons EFGHIJK… causing multiple infections, each person infecting several people at the same time.

This causes a multiple chain reaction of infections to rise exponentially until the entire population of the world may be affected, but it will respond appropriately by matching their continuously changing natural “vaccines” to match up the virus ongoing mutations trying to “survive” (exists).

It becomes a tit-for-tat biological scenario for the survival of the fittest as prescribed by Natural Selection in Evolution.

As the virus begins to deteriorate after being challenged by our combined and multiple immunological defenses, the number of new infections gets less and less and the rate of recovery from infected people begins to rise very swiftly until all the current 7.9 billion world’s population recovers completely. 

It will be an exponential rise in infections, and yet an even faster accelerated rate of recovery we can expect. 

We call this as herd, shared / cooperative /combined or communal immunity, or whatever name we wish to give it. 

This is the natural law of survival for the human species which is part of Darwin evolutionary medicine or Darwinian medicine towards our better understanding of health and disease. 

Unfortunately, a third of the world’s population need to be sacrificed first for the remaining to survive. We may label this as a “bottleneck genetic drift” if we like for the better survival of the remaining population. 

This was also similarly seen in all ancient and past pandemics before any pandemic curve flattened as decreed in Revelation 9:18.

Ironically, currently one-third of the world's population was told to observe mandatory lockdowns involving 2.6 billion worldwide in 42 countries or territories to contain the coronavirus.


Natural vs. Artificially-induced Vaccination:


Absolutely no artificially-designed vaccine of any kind, not even mixtures of variant types can outperform our body’s natural vaccine that defends itself continuously as a living body that works like a flowing river.

The most beautiful thing about herd immunity versus vaccination contradictory to what politicians and vaccines producers think, or pretend they do not know is, vaccines against Covid-19 or any infection takes many, many years to develop and undergo safety trials, and vaccination has to be done one-by-one, from person-to-person with limited supply of vaccine and personnel across huge populations of hundreds of millions to billions of people, compared to the speed of exponential chain reactions of herd immunity spread across the same population yet to be exposed.  


Herd Immunity via Vaccination:

Of course we can also acquire herd immunity artificially via vaccination, but is it safe as the reliability, efficacy and safety is hotly debated both by the scientific and medical community as well as by the lay public? 

My feeling is, there is nothing like having mass immunity acquired naturally through natural selection, although it may be only slightly slower initially till multiple cross infections becomes established. 

Furthermore, a mono standard vaccine or polyvalent vaccines produced from several mutated strains can never catch up with the speed the living body that responds naturally to meet changes in the mutating scenarios by the virus.

In short a vaccine is fixed and 'dead' once out of the factory, but a living body is not dead or fixed but is constantly adjusting and changing to meet changing environments and new challenges.

That's the beauty how we are fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well (Psalm 139:14).

This is natural vaccination or natural medicine. I personally prefer to coin it.

I am optimistic this pandemic would decelerate very fast as more and more are exposed by sharing our immunological defenses collectively.

This is how Nature works, ordained by decree and prescribed by natural selection for our survival on Earth.

I trust this simple, down-to-earth explanation helps instead of trying to understand those complicated issues and controversies about the efficacy and safety of several types of artificially-designed vaccines that have been causing a lot of distress to people and global uproar, as well as agreement and disagreement and stress among doctors and scientists till today.


Lim ju boo

Postdoctoral CE in Evolution (University of Cambridge, 2019



Monday, January 25, 2021

Covid-19 Vaccines: To Take Or Not To Take?

The blogger’s note:

In the light of contradictory information or arguments on the pros and cons of Covid-19 vaccination, the blogger sought the advice from his most learned friend the Great Sifu, Dr. JB Lim whether senior citizens say of the age of 65 and above should take the vaccination or not.  His kind reply on 24/1/2021 is as follows:


This issue has been going on and on, debated again and again by so many experts each giving different opinion.

I have also given mine.

Looking at the pros and cons of this issue. I will personally not want to be vaccinated myself since by now after over a year of constant exposure to this virus, all of us would have already got small doses of this virus intermittently.

Most of us would have by now received some natural herd immunity passed on by attenuated or weakened virus from person to person.

For example, I must have been exposed to at least 10 Covid patients here already sleeping alongside them for days, yet each time they tested me, they found no trace of this infection in me.  (The blogger’s note: Dr. Lim has been hospitalized in Hospital KL for leg ulcer problem since 23/12/2020.)

Even if you have not got the immunity yet, but if you just stay at home and isolate yourself, there is a very high chance the rest of the population who were affected will eventually pass on their shared or herd immunity to you after you come out from isolation.

This will bypass all those unnecessary and unproven vaccines which I think is unnecessary because in all ancient and past pandemic where vaccines were unheard of and unknown the pandemic just died away over time.

I think this time people want to get back to work quickly unlike ancient times people rushed to get "quick fixed results”.

This pandemic will begin to accelerate exponentially like the multiplication of bacteria or cancer cells as seen currently.

But as more and more people are infected, more and more immunity will also be shared and passed on to the rest yet to be infected, and those who were already infected may have received the weakened strains of the virus from others who tag on their antibodies onto the virus before affecting others.

This is the scenario we can clearly see currently as more and more people are infected, the recovery rate becomes more and more too until the the recovery rate exceeds the infection rate.

In such a scenario the pandemic curve will gradually flatten out completely because they all shared their immunity together to preserve the human species.

This is a biological law of natural selection and adaptation, until maybe till a third of the population is wiped out to balance the rate of infection against recovery rate as also revealed in Revelation 9:18.

Hope this helps.




The blogger wishes to thank another learned friend Mr. Stanley Ong for offering his opinion on the same query on 19/1/2021 as follows:

Dr. Jayakumar of the Department of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine UM in his write-up advised a proven and safer vaccine from China should a need arises.

Personally I will not vaccinate but to strengthen my immune system with Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc, Probiotics, Blue Green algae and Green Vibrance complete Minerals and Vitamins.  Also daily exercise.

To Vaccinate or Not?

Nobody can assure there are no side effects especially the vaccines are rushed out after unprecedented short trials.

Those in favour said they offer Covid protection. But there are reports of deaths and adverse reactions after jabs. Causes are as usual under investigation.

For me, my bottom line is, if you are not in the high risk group, why rush to do now? Can wait and see until there is clearer scenario. Meanwhile build up immunity.

For those who rush to jab now to avoid the Chinese vaccination, l can't comment. I am sure everyone has thought thoroughly before coming to a decision.

I heard on radio a lady who said she went for jab because her Doctor friend went and the Doctor should know best. But we have also read many differing views from medical experts who called for caution.

The decision is solely in our hands, unless the vaccination is mandated.

Do what you believe with confidence.

Try to avoid doing when with doubts as it may lead you to much suspicions "whenever you don't feel right". Not good for the mind and well-being. 


Friday, January 22, 2021

Dr JB Lim’s Lecture On pH Values

The blogger’s note:

There was a message posted in a chat group about the Covid-19 disease and preventive advice purportedly written by health professionals as follows:

Symptoms appear from the third day after infection (viral symptoms).

➙ 1st phase (1st, 2nd, 3rd.days) Symptoms

◉ Body pain

◉ Eye pain

◉ Headache

◉ vomiting

◉ Diarrhea, Runny nose or nasal congestion


◉ Burning eyes

◉ Burning when urinating

◉ Feeling feverish

◉Scuffed throat (sore throat)

◉ Take action before the onset of fever.

◉ Be careful, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids, especially purified water. Drink plenty of water to keep your throat moist and to help clear your lungs.

➙ 2nd phase; (from 4th to 8th days) Inflammatory.

◉ Loss of taste and / or smell

◉ Fatigue with minimal effort

◉ Chest pain (rib cage)

 Tightening of the chest

◉ Pain in the lower back (in the kidney area)

➙ The virus attacks nerve endings;

◉ The difference between fatigue and shortness of breath:

 Lack of air is when the person is sitting - without making any effort - and is out of breath;

• Fatigue is when the person moves around to do something simple and feels tired.

➙ It takes a lot of hydration and vitamin C.

Covid-19 binds oxygen, so the quality of the blood is poor, with less oxygen.

➙ 3rd phase - Healing;

◉On day 9, the healing phase begins, which can last until day 14 (convalescence).

◉ Do not delay treatment, the sooner the better!

➙ Good luck everyone!

It is better to keep these recommendations, prevention is never too much!

• Sit in the sun for 15-20 minutes

• Rest and sleep for at least 7-8 hours. • Drink 1 and a half liters of water per day

• All food should be hot (not cold).

➙ Keep in mind that the pH of the coronavirus ranges from 5.5 to 8.5.

So all we have to do to eliminate the virus is to eat more alkaline foods, above the acid level of the virus.


◉ Bananas, Lime → 9.9 pH

◉ Yellow lemon → 8.2 pH

◉ Avocado - pH 15.6

◉ Garlic - pH 13.2

◉ Mango - pH 8.7

◉ Mandarin - pH 8.5

 Pineapple - 12.7 pH

◉ Watercress - 22.7 pH

◉ Oranges - 9.2 pH


In response to questions on the validity of the pH values of the fruits quoted, especially avocado of pH 15.6, the Great Sifu Dr. JB Lim wrote on 19/1/2021 as follows:

pH in practice can never exceed 14. 


The pH scale is used to grade solutions in terms of acidity or basicity (alkalinity). 


If very, very briefly explained in simple lay language, this is due to a substance ability to ionize water.


However, to understand this in moderate detail requires a fair amount of our understanding in physical chemistry normally taught in 1st year degree chemistry course.


Since the scale is based on pH values, it is logarithmic, meaning that a change of 1 pH unit corresponds to a ten-fold change in hydrogen ion concentration.


The pH scale is often said to range from 0 to 14, and most solutions do fall within this range. 


Seldom is it possible to get a pH below 0 or above 14 although theoretical possible but never in practice.


Anything below 7.0 is acidic, and anything above 7.0 is alkaline or basic.


It is only after understanding chemistry at first degree level do we start learning more advanced food chemistry, food science and nutrition at post-graduate level how the chemistry of food influences the biochemical metabolic pathways and subsequently on health and disease.


As one who is well qualified in all these areas of various sciences, I do not know of any fruit or vegetable such as avocado, tomatoes, chilies, asparagus, lemon having a pH above 9.5.


A lot of fruits like lemon may taste acidic and sour due to weak organic acids like citric acids in them, but in actual fact they are highly alkaline foods due to the highly alkaline potassium base they leave behind after their acids join the Kreb Cycle.


I hope I have been able to explain this highly complicated subject in chemistry, food science and nutrition in the simplest and shortest possible layman language, thanks to what our Jewish professors taught us as students in London and at Cambridge decades ago.


Jb lim


Dr. Lim further elaborated later on the same day as follows:


No problem if my explanation helps.


However in physical chemistry, the meaning of pH is far more complex.


It is the negative logarithmic scale of molarity.


Simply and loosely put, it is the measure of the amounts of concentration of free hydrogen ions H+ to the amounts of hydroxyl ions H- in water.


The scale is always between 0 and 14. 


Pure water is neutral and is midway at pH 7, but this can change slightly if water is energized say by heat or electricity. 


Our blood is always slightly alkaline in health with a pH between 7.3 to 7.5, but usually around 7.4. 


Under certain medical conditions such as acidosis and alkalosis, this can change. 


Even that, it depends on whether it is metabolic or respiratory acidosis or alkalosis. 


It all depends and the description for them is exceedingly long and complicated.


Almost all fruits and vegetables are alkaline due to their high potassium and sodium residues, thus preferable since in optimum health the blood always tries to regulate its pH toward the alkaline scale compared with meat that produces lots of undesirable uric acids. 


However, a mechanism in the body called the bicarbonate buffer system is an acid-base homeostatic mechanism that will adjust the blood towards the alkaline side.


We can greatly assist our body towards this with lots of fruits and vegetables as our daily diet. 


Hope this helps.




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