Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Musings of Mahatma Gandhi - Answers for Our Times
I received from a former classmate (Tang Tuck Hoong) a forwarded slideshow entitled "The Musings of Mahatma Gandhi - Answers for Our Times" on July 24. The sayings are copied as follows:
1. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
2. God sometimes does try to the uttermost those whom he wishes to bless.
3. When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.
4. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
5. If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.
6. I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won’t presume to probe into the faults of others.
7. There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed.
8. It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honored by the humiliation of their fellow beings.
9. It is easy enough to be friendly to one’s friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion. The other is mere business.
10. In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.
11. There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever.
12. To give service to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.
13. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
14. You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Dear Ir. T O Lau,
Thanks for the life example of Mahatma Gandhi. After reading it, I immediately saw two contrasting visions together.
In this world, I saw two types of spirits entering into a human body. The first are the angelic beings who enter into the chosen ones who did not pray 1,000 times a day, but let love-in-action infused into their lives everyday. They instantly saw angels in Heaven.
The other are the satanic beings and demons who came in disguise as ‘godly’ messengers to posses a human body, and told the possessed they saw ‘heaven’. It was actually Hell and Darkness they have entered by their works. These satanic beings cunningly and permanently blinded them like what the Serpent did to Eve in the Garden of Eden. They effectively blocked others from outside from taking out their blindfolds and blinkers so that they can see light. They are permanently possessed, and they will bomb you if you try to remove their blinkers off their eyes.
Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Theresa belong to the first group. They are truly great souls the world admires and greatly missed, and generations to come will continue to recognize and remember them as long as civilization exists. These two people are what we all call, The Children of God. Everyone, whatever their religion can instantly see that by their works. Both were from India.
The other extreme group is the Taliban and the Jihad (Jahad) people from Pakistan and those in the surrounding Afghan desert regions. They belong to the car and suicide bombers, whose only worship in life on Earth is bomb and kill innocent people everywhere, including them. The only place they can hide after that, are inside the hot and dusty mountain holes of Afghanistan and Pakistan or somewhere inside Indonesia. They are the children and followers of Satan. Everyone, whatever their religion can also see that.
But when life ends for both groups, the first group will enter Heaven for Eternal Life of Joy and Peace. But for the second group, it will be an eternal tit-for-tat world of fire and bombs. Since they chosen this path while in this world, and they will also be paid with the same wages in the next world and it shall be like this throughout all eternity.
So make your choice which path you wish to follow – the Path of Peace of Mahatma Gandhi, and the Path of Love-in-Action, and Charity-in-Action of Mother Theresa, or the Path of Darkness of Osama bin Laden and his Jihad followers to kill and bomb everywhere, and live a life in squalor, unkempt and dusty places, street fighting all the time, and inside their mountain holes.
What a disgrace when all the other countries of the world are all living in continuous economic prosperity by leaps and bounds year after year. Don’t these people there ever go and earn a decent living to take care of themselves and their families, improve themselves economically and socially instead of making car bombs, and fighting in their unkempt and dusty countries and streets day in, day out? We can see all these scenes on television everyday.
The difference is so very obvious. Even the most imbecile and idiotic can clearly see these angelic and satanic differences.
Thanks once again for the picture of Mahatma Gandhi and his sayings – the Man of Peace the world will always acknowledge and admire.
But in the opposite contrast, the Jihad people have a Nobel Anti-Peace and Terrorism Prize for their ‘god’ Osama bin Laden?
This prompted me to reply as follows:
Dear Dr J B Lim,
Thanks a million for your elaborate and thoughtful comments in response to my forwarded power-point presentation on the “The Musings of Mahatma Gandhi”, which I didn’t expect but am only completely overwhelmed to have received.
I hope you wouldn’t mind my forwarding this great dissertation of yours to my friends and children as well as posting it in my “Food for Thought” blog so that more readers can have the opportunity to read and ponder over your insight. I am truly amazed at the fact that you are not only a well known Medical Researcher and Nutrition Scientist (trained from University of London / University of Cambridge / Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the like) but also a Philosopher!
I am particularly impressed by the last saying of the “Great Soul” in the said slideshow, i.e. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. This reminds me of a similar quotation by the Japanese Buddhist philosopher and Soka Gakkai International (SGI) president Daisaku Ikeda that goes: “A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of an entire society and, further, will cause a change in the destiny of humankind.”
I wonder if you have read about the inscription on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in Westminster Abby (1100 A.D.) as follows:
“When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world.
“As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country.
“But it, too, seemed immovable.
“As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it.
“And now, as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family.
“From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country, and who knows, I may have even changed the world.”
Incidentally, the recently deceased “King of Pop” Michael Jackson had a song “Man in the Mirror” that also calls for CHANGE with the following lyrics:
“I'm Gonna Make A Change / For Once In My Life / It's Gonna Feel Real Good / Gonna Make A Difference / Gonna Make It Right . . .
“As I, Turn Up The Collar On My Favourite Winter Coat / This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind / I See The Kids In The Street / With Not Enough To Eat / Who Am I, To Be Blind? / Pretending Not To See Their Needs / A Summer's Disregard / A Broken Bottle Top / And A One Man's Soul / They Follow Each Other On / The Wind Ya' Know / 'Cause They Got Nowhere To Go / That's Why I Want You To Know /
“I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror / I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways / And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer / If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change
(Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change)
(Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na, Na Na)”
Let’s spread and circulate the word of CHANGE among our friends, acquaintances and even strangers in the cyberspace. I strongly believe a small step of CHANGE taken by each and every one of us would eventually lead to a great leap of HUMANITY to “heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me, and the entire human race” (borrowing the words from MJ again).
Thank you.
T.O. Lau
Labels: The Thoughts of Dr JB Lim
Saturday, July 25, 2009
1. 最震撼世界的一句话——中国人民从此站起来了!
2. 最适合当前形势的一句话——抛弃幻想,准备斗争。
3. 最具警告性的一句话——人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,我必犯人!
4. 最颠扑不破的一句话——枪杆子里面出政权!
5. 最鼓舞人心的一句话——东风吹,战鼓擂,这个世界究竟谁怕谁?
6. 最丑化敌人的一句话——小小寰球,有几个苍蝇碰壁。嗡嗡叫,几声凄厉,几声抽泣。
7. 最有凝聚力的一句话——军民团结如一人,试看天下谁能敌!
8. 最有血性的一句话——中华民族有同自己的敌人血战到底的气概,有在自立更生基础上光复旧物的决心,有自立于世界民族之林的能力!
9. 最高傲的一句诗——冷眼向洋看世界!
10. 最有“自主思想”的一句话——自力更生,艰苦奋斗。
11. 最具战争艺术的一句话——敌进我退、敌驻我扰、敌疲我打、敌退我追。
12. 最好斗的一句话——与天斗其乐无穷!与地斗其乐无穷!与人斗其乐无穷!
13. 最深入官场的一句话——为人民服务!
14. 最具管理意义的一句话——当正确的政策方针制定之后,干部就是关键!
15. 最有“经济意识”的一句话——贪污和浪费是极大的犯罪!
16. 最有预见性的一句话——资产阶级就在Communist Party内。
17. 最感恩的一句话——人民万岁!
18. 最赞美人民的一句话——春风杨柳万千条,六亿神州尽舜尧。
19. 最赞美劳动人民的一句话——喜看稻菽千重浪,遍地英雄下夕烟!
20. 最让精英们郁闷的一句话——人民只有人民才是创造历史的动力!
21. 最有抱负的一句话——为有牺牲多壮志,敢叫日月换新天。
22. 最激励人克服困难的一句话——下定决心、不怕牺牲、排除万难、去争取胜利!
23. 最能给弱势群体指路的一句话——哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。
24. 最具革命意志的一句话——生的伟大,死的光荣!
25. 最像长辈的一句话——好好学习,天天向上。
26. 最关怀下一代的一句话——世界是你们的,也是我们的,但是归根结底还是你们的,你们青年人朝气蓬勃,好象早晨八九点钟的太阳光,希望寄托在你们身上!
27. 最酷的一句话——独立寒秋,湘江北去,橘子洲头。
28. 最谦虚的一句话——这只是万里长征的第一步!
29. 最伤感的一句话——汽笛一声肠已断,从此天涯孤旅!
30. 最悲壮的一句话——苍山如海,残阳如血!
31. 最写意的一句话——江山如此多娇!
32. 最谦虚的一句话——学习的敌人是自己的满足,要认真学习一点东西,必须从不自满开始!
33. 最愤青的一句话——指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯。
34. 最美的景物描写——须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。
35. 最狂放的景况描写——横空出世,莽昆仑,阅尽人间春色。
36. 最畅快的一句话——雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越!
37. 最“得意”的一句话——数风流人物,还看今朝!
38. 最潇洒的一句话——不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步!
39. 最入镜的一句话——暮色苍茫看劲松,乱云飞渡仍从容。
40. 最有时间观念的一句话——一万年太久,只争朝夕!
41. 最自负的一句话——自信人生二百年,会当击水三千里!
42. 最具宇宙想像力的一句话——坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看一千河。
43. 最具“爱情”的一句话——我失骄杨,君失柳;杨柳轻扬直上重霄九。
44. 最具想像一句话——赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,谁持彩练当空舞。
45. 最提气的一句话——国际悲歌歌一曲,狂飚为我从天落。
46. 最豪迈的一句话——可上九天揽月,可下五洋捉鳖,谈笑凯歌还,世上无难事,只要肯登攀。
47. 最具主人翁意识的一句话——问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮?
48. 最具指导意义的一句话——今日欢呼孙大圣,只缘妖雾又重来。
49. 最无奈又最具神秘性的一句话——天要下雨,娘要嫁人,由他去吧!
50. 最充满希望的一句话——你办事,我放心。