Wednesday, September 30, 2009



顏回愛學習,德性又好,是孔子的得意門生。一天,顏回去街上辦事,見一家布店前圍滿了人。 他上前一問,才知道是買布的跟賣布的發生了糾紛。只聽買布的大嚷大叫:「三八就是二十三,你為啥要我二十四個錢?」




買布的說:「評我錯了輸上我的頭 。你錯了呢?」




對孔子的評判,顏回表面上絕對服從,心裡卻想不通。他認為孔子已老糊塗,便不想再跟孔子學習了。 第二天,顏回就藉故說家中有事,要請假回去。



路上,突然風起雲湧,雷鳴電閃,眼看要下大雨。顏回鑽進路邊一棵大樹的空樹幹裡,想避避雨。 他猛然記起孔子「千年古樹莫存身 」的話,心想,師徒一場,再聽他一次話吧,從空樹幹離開。 他剛離開不遠,一個炸雷,把那棵古樹劈個粉碎。


顏回趕到家,已是深夜。他不想驚動家人,就用隨身佩帶的寶劍,撥開了妻子住室的門栓。顏回到床前一摸,啊呀呀,南頭睡個人,北頭睡個人!他怒從心頭起,舉劍正要砍,又想起孔子的第二句話「殺人不明勿動手」。 他點燈一看,床上一頭睡的是妻子,一頭睡的是妹妹。




孔子又開導顏回說:「我知道你請假回家是假的,實則以為我老糊塗了,不願再跟我學習。你想想:我說三八二十三是對的,你輸了,不過輸個冠; 我若說三八二十四是對的,他輸了,那可是一條人命啊!你說冠重要還是人命重要?」

顏回恍然大悟,「噗通」跪在孔子面前,說:「老師重大義而輕小是小非,學生還以為老師因年高而欠清醒呢。 學生慚愧萬分!」




Saturday, September 26, 2009

10 Amazing Coincidences

What's in a Name?A computer error gave two women in America called Patricia the same social security number. When the two women were brought together in an office to rectify the blunder, they discovered that they had both been born with the names Patricia Ann Campbell.
Both of their fathers were called Robert Campbell.
Their birthdays were on 13th March 1941.
They had both married military men in the year 1959 (within eleven days of each other).
They each had two children aged 19 and 21.
They both had an interest in oil painting.
Both had studied cosmetics.
Both had worked as book-keepers.

Bullet With Your Name on It
In 1893, Henry Ziegland ended a relationship with his girlfriend.
Tragically, his girlfriend took the news very badly, became distraught and took her own life.
Her distressed brother blamed his sister's death upon Henry, he went round to Henry's house, saw him out in the garden and tried to shoot him.
Luckily, the bullet only grazed Henry's face and embedded itself in a nearby tree.
In 1913, twenty years after this incident, Henry decided to use dynamite to uproot a tree in his garden. The explosion propelled the embedded bullet from the tree straight into Henry Ziegland's head - killing him immediately.

Lucky Hughs?
On December 5th 1660, a ship sank in the straights of Dover - the only survivor was noted to be Hugh Williams.
On 5th December 1767, another ship sank in the same waters - 127 lost their lives, the only survivor was noted to be Hugh Williams
On 8th August 1820, a picnic boat capsized on the Thames - there was one survivor - Hugh Williams.
On 10th July 1940, a British trawler was destroyed by a German mine - only two men survived, one man and his nephew - they were both called Hugh Williams.

With a Quack Quack Here
Mr McDonald was a farmer who lived in Canada - nothing extra-ordinary in that - until you learn that his postcode contained the letter sequence EIEIO.

'Til Death Did Them Part
In 1996, Paris police set out to investigate a late night, high speed car crash, both drivers had been killed instantly.
Investigations revealed that the deceased were in fact man and wife.
Police initially suspected some kind of murder or suicide pact but it became apparent that the pair had been separated for several months - neither could have known that the other would have been out driving that night - it was just a terrible coincidence.

She's Behind You!
Michael Dick had been travelling around the UK with his family to track down his daughter, Lisa - who he had lost contact with ten years earlier.
After a long fruitless search, he approached the Suffolk Free Press, who agreed to help him by putting an appeal in their newspaper.
Fortunately, his long lost daughter saw the appeal and the pair were reunited. The odd thing was, his daughter had been right behind him when the free paper took the photograph - shown in the photograph above. What are the chances of that!
Licensed To Thrill
A fifteen year old pupil at Argoed High School in North Wales was to sit his GCSE examinations in 1990.
His name was James Bond - his examination paper reference was 007.

What Goes Around….
In 1965, at the age of four, Roger Lausier was swimming off a beach in Salem - he got into difficulties and was saved from drowning by a woman called Alice Blaise.
In 1974, on the same beach, Roger was out on a raft when he pulled a drowning man from the water - amazingly, the man he saved was Alice Blaise's husband.

Lightning Never Strikes Twice?
British cavalry officer Major Summerford was fighting in the fields of Flanders in the last year of WW1, a flash of lightning knocked him off his horse and paralysed him from his waist down.
He moved to Vancouver, Canada, six years later, whilst out fishing, Major Summerfield was struck by lightning again and the right side of his body became paralysed.
After two years of recovery, it was a summers day and he was out in a local park, a summer storm blew up and Major Summerfield was struck by lightning again - permanently paralysing him.
He died two years after this incident.
However, four years after his death, his stone tomb was destroyed - it was struck by lightning!

Practice What You Preach
Businessman Danie de Toit made a speech to an audience in South Africa - the topic of his speech was - watch out because death can strike you down at any time.
At the end of his speech, he put a peppermint in his mouth, and choked to death on it!
(Courtesy of


Friday, September 25, 2009

Guru Gyan Says

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Are You Drinking the Right Tea?

1. People who use their "brain" to work or students who study hard day and night
--- should drink more Chrysanthemum Tea.

2. People who need a lot of body energy to work or those people that do a lot of exercise everyday
--- should drink Wu Long Tea.
3. People who travel on a bike or work in dirty and polluted places
--- should drink Green Tea.

4. For people who likes to sit down all day long and not doing anything even exercising
--- must drink Green Tea and Flower Tea.

5. People who smoke and drink a lot of alcoholic drinks
--- should drink more Green Tea.

6. Carnivore (those people who must eat meat at least once a day), or feel sick or not feeling well
--- try to drink some Wu Long Tea.

7. People who go to the washroom too often or too less
--- should drink more Honey Tea.

8. People with high cholesterol and high blood pressure
--- Wu Long Tea, Green Tea.

9. Those who work with computers everyday
--- need to drink a Lot of Tea (any tea will do).

Whenever you are working with the computer, you should make some tea; drink it when you are free.

Drinking Tea is healthy, it can protect and prevent the harmful ultraviolet light from harming us (when using computer).

Furthermore, it can also cure us when we are tired and help make our body feel fresh again.
(Courtesy of a forwarded mail from Ho Lee Choo)

Read the Number on Fruits

Conventional Fruit Labels
Four digits starting with 4

Organic Fruit Labels
Five digits and starts with number 9

Genetically Modified Fruits
Start with the digit 8

So next time you go shopping, remember these critical numbers and know how to avoid purchasing inorganic and GMO fruits.

Shop Safe: This is good to know because stores aren't obligated to tell you if a fruit has been genetically modified­.

So if you come across an apple in the store and it's label is 4922, it's a conventional apple grown with herbicides and harmful fertilizers.

If it has a sticker 99222, it's organic and safe to eat.

If it says 89222, then do not buy!!!! It has been genetically modified (GMO).

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