Sunday, December 29, 2013










A.抗癌食物:檸檬(破壞12種癌細胞:包括結腸癌、乳腺癌、前列腺癌、肺癌和胰腺癌…)、地瓜(排毒最佳)、大蒜(治胃癌)、黃豆(治子宮頸癌)、金針菇(治子宮頸癌)、菜花(治胰腺癌)、菠菜(治肺癌)、茭白(治腸癌)、海帶(治乳腺癌)、蘆筍(治皮膚癌)、花椰菜(治膀胱癌)、毛豆(治乳癌)、蔓越莓(治乳癌)開心果(防肺癌)熟番茄(攝護腺癌)、蘑菇(治肝癌,但含重金屬傷腎,每月最多可以吃 200g)甜菜根、胡蘿蔔、優格、蘋果、綠藻、葡萄、香蕉、奇異果、鳳梨、草莓、綠茶、十榖米(治直腸癌:糙米、黑糯米、小米、小麥、蕎麥、芡實、燕麥、蓮子、麥片和紅薏仁)、 白芝麻、亞麻子、老薑、枸杞、玉米、杏仁、黑芝麻、南瓜子。


1.咖哩    (抗癌成份是..「薑黃素」)
2.辣椒    (抗癌成份是..「辣椒素」)
3.      (抗癌成份是..「薑油」)
4.綠茶    (抗癌成份是..「兒茶素」)
5.大豆    (抗癌成份是..「異黃酮」)
6.蕃茄    (抗癌成份是..「茄紅素」)
7.葡萄    (抗癌成份是..「白黎蘆醇」)
8.大蒜    (抗癌成份是..「硫化物」)
9.高麗菜  (抗癌成份是..「吲哚」)
10.花椰菜 (抗癌成份是..「硫化物」)

B. 以氧氣灌滿:人坐在椅子上時, 每次呼吸進的空氣才半公升,只用了肺臟的十二分之一,李豐說,「就像一個人有一棟十二個房間的房子,可是每天忙碌出外工作,回到家裡來,就只用到臥室。」要用到肺臟的每一個部分(提供充分的氧氣),唯一的方法就是在空氣好的地方勤加運動喘氣(亦即急促呼吸,即可吸入比平時多兩三倍的氧氣!),例如爬山就是最好的選擇。

C. 愉快的心情:前台大醫學院博士班第一名畢業的台大名醫,在用核磁共振掃瞄器檢查完他的病人後,他看機器還是開著,於是對準自己的肝臟來順便替自己做個掃瞄,結果發現他的肝臟中生有一個腫瘤(潘朵拉的盒子被打開),於是在驚嚇之餘很自然的按照西醫的一般程序做切片與其他化療等,結果無法心情放輕鬆,只活三個月,他就過逝了。我在彰中同學的哥哥念台大醫學系五年級讀到肺癌篇時,發現他咳嗽的情形似肺癌,檢查果然是肺癌(打開潘朵拉盒),治療半年就英年早逝了。


罹患3期肺癌的吳永志醫師採用生機飲食(90%全生和10%煮熟的食物),他每天喝6大杯以蕃茄、胡蘿蔔、紅色甜菜根為主打成的500cc.蔬果汁,以大量蔬果類為主食,可以強化免疫系統,1天排便3次,改變飲食及生活作息才半年,腫瘤即消失無蹤。吳永志說,以每分鐘3萬轉以上的果汁機打汁即可將蔬果的纖維和種子裡所含有「植物生化素」牽釋出,可抗氧化、消除自由基。他每天早上喝兩杯蔬果汁當早餐,午餐前一小時再喝一杯,中午則吃蕃茄、胡蘿蔔、苜蓿芽等作蔬菜沙拉 前行政院大陸委員會主委蘇起透露,一九九一年健檢時發現八公分大的肝癌,也是由他的主播夫人陳月卿用每分鐘3萬轉以上的果汁機打出植物生化素,神奇地治好蘇起的肝癌。

台大病理科醫生李豐女士 罹患過淋巴癌。同病的,或輾轉病榻,或早死了;她卻能夠好好地活著。她的秘訣就是:她天天爬山(

她有兩段名言:「 人在高興時,細胞很圓潤,就像十八歲的年輕人;人在生氣時,細胞就像八十歲的老頭,皺皺縮縮的!」-(癌細胞就是扭扭曲曲皺皺縮縮的,五榖雜糧加蔬菜、運動()加樂觀,即可將癌細胞回成正常圓潤的細胞)


前中華開發金控董事長陳敏薰,在場演講中首度透露生活秘辛。陳敏薰說,多年前莫名其妙生了一場病,是一種癌症,連學醫的媽媽都認為絕望了,一剎那「什麼都帶不走 」,改變了她的一生,讓她體會到簡單生活的可貴。

,而明瞭"菩薩"(覺情) 之真諦:菩薩乃菩提薩摩之略。


 (Courtesy of forwarded mail from Yong Yew Khoon)

Friday, December 27, 2013

Mango: The New Diabetes & Cancer Buster

Monday, May 20, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) The most popular fresh fruit in the world, mangoes are a whole lot more than just a delicious, refreshing treat produced by nature. As evidenced by copious scientific research, mangoes are also a powerful medicinal food, as they contain nutrients that can help clear up skin, promote eye health, stave off diabetes, and even prevent the formation and spread of cancer.
Research recently presented at a meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), for instance, revealed that eating mangoes every day can help moderate and even lower blood sugar levels, despite their natural sugar content. This is good news for people with type 2 diabetes who may benefit from consuming mangoes regularly as part of a low-sugar diet.
For their study, researchers tested the effects of mangoes on a group of obese animals, some of whom were given 10 grams of freeze-dried mango every day for 12 weeks. At the end of three months, the blood sugar levels of those animals that consumed mango were compared to those that did not consume mango. Based on the data, mango consumption was found to result in a significant decline in blood sugar levels.

"Although the mechanism by which mango exerts its effects warrants further investigation, we do know that mangoes contain a complex mixture of polyphenolic compounds," says Dr. Edralin Lucas, Ph.D., author of the study.

Similar research out of Australia found back in 2006 that eating mango can also help decrease inflammation and resulting high cholesterol, as well as block the formation of various health conditions included under the banner of metabolic syndrome. In essence,
mangoes actually work better than cholesterol drugs at naturally balancing and optimizing cellular function throughout the body.

"We don't know yet how the whole thing's going to play out but we know some of the individual components (of mango) activate these receptors and even inhibit them," said a doctor from University of Queensland about the effects of mango consumption on cellular processes. "That could end up
with positive nutritional health benefits for diabetes and high cholesterol."
And again in 2011, researchers from Oklahoma State University found that mango consumption helps lower insulin resistance and improve glucose tolerance in test mice. The same study also found that mangoes help normalize lipid levels throughout the blood, which in turn can help prevent the development of cardiovascular disease.
Eating mangoes can also help you avoid cancer

But the health benefits of mango do not stop here. Science has identified more than 4,000 different antioxidant polyphenols in the plant kingdom, and many of these polyphenols are present in mangoes. The primary benefit of these polyphenols is that they scavenge damaging free radicals and protect cells against damage, which is believed to facilitate and even promote cancer.

"If you look at [mango] from the physiological and nutritional standpoint, taking everything together, it would be a high-ranking superfood," says Dr. Susanne Talcott, who together with her husband discovered back in 2010 that mango compounds target both colon and breast cancer cells.

"What we found is that not all cell lines are sensitive to the same extent to an anticancer agent. But the breast and colon cancer lines underwent apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Additionally, we found that when we tested normal colon cells side by side with the colon cancer cells, that the mango polyphenolics did not harm the normal cells."

In other words, mango compounds effectively target and eliminate harmful cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone, a phenomenon that is unique to nature and nowhere to be found in pharmaceutical-based medicine. Chemotherapy and radiation, for instance, which are the two most popular conventional treatments for cancer, damage healthy cells along with malignant cells, which is why the treatments are a failure as far as long-term survival is concerned.

Sources for this article include:

(Courtesy of forwarded mail from Pan Mok Weng)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Suitcase

A man died, when he realized it, he saw God coming closer with a suitcase in his hand.

God said:  “Alright son, it’s time to go.”
Surprised, the man responded:  “Now? So soon? I had a lot of plans...”
“I'm sorry but it’s time to go.”

“What do you have in that suitcase?”  The man asked.
God answered:  “Your belongings.”

“My belongings?  You mean my things, my clothes, my money?”
God answered:  “Those things were not yours, they belonged to the Earth.”

“Is it my memories?“  The man asked.
God answered:  “Those never belonged to you, they belonged to Time.”

“Is it my talents?”

God answered:  “Those were never yours, they belonged to the Circumstances.”

“Is it my friends and family?”
God answered:  “I'm sorry, they were never yours, they belonged to the Path.

“Is it my wife and son?”
God answered:  “They were never yours, they belonged to your Heart.”

“Is it my body?”
 God answered:  “That was never yours, it belonged to the Dust.”

“Is it my soul?”
God answered:  “No, that is Mine.”

Full of fear, the man took the suitcase from God and opened it just to find out the suitcase was empty.
With tears coming down his cheek, the man said: “I never had anything???”
God answered:  “That is correct, every moment you lived were only yours. Life is just a moment. a moment that belongs to you. For this reason enjoy this time while you have it. Don't let anything that you think you own stop you from doing so.”

Live Now
Live your life
Don't forget to be happy, that is the only thing that matters.
Material things and everything else that you fought for stay here.


Share this reflection with anyone you  know or appreciate.  Enjoy every second you live.

(Courtesy of forwarded mail from Khor Kean Kar)

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Snapshots of My Recent Tour to Chengdu/Chongqing China

The blogger’s introduction:

On November 20, 2013 (Wednesday), my wife Soh Ai and I, together with our four friends Yong Yew Khoon and his wife Tan Kah Bean, Tang Ma Li and her sister Li Na, flew to Chengdu, China by AirAsia for an 8-day vacation.

The first 4 days were ‘Ground Arrangement’ tour booked through Mangga Travel & Tours (Selangor) Sdn Bhd, while the remaining 4 days were ‘Free and Easy’ planned by ourselves. 

On the 5th day of November 24, 2013 (Sunday), we went to Chongqing by high-speed train (CRH) and stayed there for 2 days.  We joined a local city day-tour package on the 6th day for sight-seeing in Chongqing area.

We returned to Chengdu on the 7th day and concluded our trip on November 27, 2013 (Wednesday).

One of the reasons for my desire to visit Chengdu is that it was the capital of southwest kingdom of Shu-Han (蜀漢; 221-263) founded by Liu Bei (刘备) during the era of the Three Kingdoms (三国时代) and I am the descendant of Liu.  It is in a way a 'place of pilgrimage' to me.

Below are photographs snapped during our tour under separate categories of places visited, food eaten, shows watched, group photos and my solo photos.   A more detailed travelogue can be found in my Chinese blog:
Brief introduction on the 2 cities we visited:

1.         Chengdu (成都), is the capital of Sichuan province (四川省) in Southwest China.  It is also known as “Brocade City” (锦城) or “Hibiscus City” (蓉城).   Yet another nickname is  the "Country of Heaven" (天府之国) or "The Land of Abundance" because of the fertile Chengdu Plain on which Chengdu is located.  It is one of the most important economic, transportation, and communication centers in Western China.

Chengdu is famous for being the home to giant pandas, China’s national treasure and one of the rarest animals in the world. The total number of pandas is estimated to be 1,500, including those living in the wild, and 80% of which are in Sichuan Province.

For more details, refer to:

2.         Chongqing (重庆) is used to be a part of Sichuan province and now administratively one of the Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC)’s four direct-controlled municipalities (the other three are Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin).  It is the only such municipality in inland China and also the largest one comprising 19 districts, 15 counties, and 4 autonomous counties.

Chongqing is officially abbreviated as “Yu” () and the city was the Republic of China (ROC)’s wartime capital during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945). The abbreviated name is derived from the old name of a part of the Jialing River that runs through Chongqing and feeds into the Yangtze River.

Chongqing has a significant history and culture and serves as the economic centre of the upstream Yangtze basin.

For more details, refer to:

Jinli Ancient Street (锦里古街) is a pedestrian street about 550 meters long.  The buildings are in the Qing Dynasty style with ancient “Three Kingdoms” cultural theme.
Strolling down the narrow street of Jinli, one can find oneself surrounded by a world of stores selling Shu embroidery, lacquer products, folk handicrafts, curios, calligraphies and paintings.  A lot of famous local snack food is found over here.
Wuhou Shrine or Memorial Temple of Marquis Wu (武侯祠) combines the Temple of Liu Bei, the founding emperor of Shu (), and the memorial hall in honour of Zhuge Liang (诸葛亮), the Martial Marquis of Shu in the Three Kingdoms Period.   Zhuge Liang was the personification of noble character and intelligence.

Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, the biggest facility of this kind in the world.  This Panda Base serves as a sanctuary for the giant pandas.
Due to habitat destruction and other reasons, giant pandas may be the most famous endangered animals on earth.  Chengdu Panda Base is home to some 60 giant pandas, some red pandas and a colony of black-necked cranes.  It is said that these pandas are basically on display for tourists but views are much closer than is possible at most Western zoos.
The giant pandas are observed to be either non-stop feasting on bamboo shoots or resting/sleeping like this one.
Cute giant panda cubs in the “Sunshine Nursery House”.
Chunxi Road (春熙路), the shopping street located in the center of the city complete with various clothing stores, bookstores, restaurants, arcades, and cinemas.
The 1.8 meters high bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen dressed in a long robe, sitting in a straight-backed chair in the Zhongshan Sqaure of Chunxi Road.
Huan Huaxi Park (浣花溪公园), a place of display of Chinese literature in particular famous ancient poets and their poems.
The “Avenue of Poets” displaying on the floor prints of poems from famous poets of different dynasties, similar to the "Avenue of Stars" in Honhg Kong.
The "Poetry Wall".
Bamboo forest.
Mural painting of trishaw rider attracting tourists to take photos in Kuanzhaixiangzi (宽窄巷子).
The Narrow Lane

Chengdu Railway Station at night.
Chengdu Railway Station in the morning.
China Railway High-speed (CRH) is the high-speed rail service operated by China Railways.
Walking towards the People's Liberation Monument or Jiefangbei, located in the center of Chongqing city, and surrounded by numerous shopping centres. It is now a symbol for the city and a busy commercial centre.
Hong Ya Cave
The Hongyadong stilted houses.
Jialing and Yangtze (Chang Jiang) River Cruise to view Chongqing's night scenery.

Yuwanggong, a temple in honor of  Yu the Great (大禹,2200 - 2100 BC), a legendary ruler in ancient China famed for his introduction of flood control, inaugurating dynastic rule in China by founding the Xia Dynasty, and for his upright moral character.

Zha Zi Dong (渣滓), one of the two Kuomintang prisons located in Shapingba.  It offers a unique look at a 1940's era prison and the horrors that took place there when nearly 300 communist political prisoners were massacred at the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949. The entire area was also once the location of the Sino-American Cooperative Organization (SACO), a camp where Chiang Kai Shek’s elite troops were trained.
Baigong Guan (白公馆).  Originally the villa of a Sichuan warlord, it first became a prison in 1939. A decade later the major massacre took place with almost 30 prisoners executed in November 1949. There are displays in the various cells and a rather creepy torture chamber set into a mountain behind the prison.
Great Hall of the People (重庆人民大会堂), an architectural symbol of Chongqing City. It somewhat resembles an enlarged version of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.

Dujiangyan (都江堰), an irrigation infrastructure built in 256 BC during the Warring States period of China by the Kingdom of Qin. It is still in use today to irrigate over 5,300 square kilometers of land in the region.

Chengdu Metro (成都地铁)
Tianfu Square (天府广场) in the center of Chengdu.

Sichuan Style Noodles:Dan dan” and beef noodles

Chuan Chuan Xiang (串串香), also called Ma La Tang (麻辣烫), is a kind of spicy hot snack in Sichuan province, somewhat like hot pot. Sliced raw meat, vegetables, sausages, shrimps, in fact almost anything edible is impaled on a bamboo skewer and dipped into a pan of boiling hot spicy soup.
Sichuan cuisine
Mapo Tofu (麻婆豆) is one of the classic Chinese food recipes, a favorite Sichuan specialty.  It is hot and spicy. According to legend, it was first created in the late 1800s by a Chinese lady who was reputed to have had a pockmarked face, hence the Chinese name for this dish: Mapo Tofu.
Chengdu snacks
Lamb set meal

Sichuan cuisine often contains food preserved through pickling, salting, and drying and is generally spicy owing to heavy application of chili oil. The Sichuan pepper (花椒, literally "flower pepper") is commonly used.  Sichuan pepper has an intensely fragrant, citrus-like flavour and produces a "tingly-numbing" () sensation in the mouth.   We simply couldn't get used to this unique flavor.
Pic right: Maoxuewang (毛血), a dish of boiled duck blood in chili/spicy sauce that serves to keep body warm in cold weather.


Shu Feng Ya Yun (蜀风雅韵) Sichuan Opera.  It is more like a burlesque cabaret than an actual opera, including traditional musicians, shadow plays, comedy (spoken in Sichaun dialect and not understandable by us), and dancers besides the traditional pieces. Of course the most famous is the quick face-changing and fire spitting performed by dancers clad in colourful traditional costumes.
Stick puppet

Hand shadow play
“Acrobat" comedian doing nifty footwork
Quick mask changing
Curtain call

Care U-well Hotel, Chengdu where we stayed for 3 nights (part of Ground Arrangement)
Chengdu Grand Hotel (not that grand despite 3 star rating)
Chengdu Grand Hotel room (RMB 148 per day)

Chongqing's 7 Days Inn, a popular Chinese budget hotel chain, where we put up for 2 days

7 Days Inn's room (RMB 177 per day)
Railway Grand Hotel Sichuan, Chengdu, 4-star rated, where we stayed one night prior to returning home
Railway Grand Hotel's room (RMB 330 per day)
My wife and I at Wuhou Shrine
A group photo at Wuhou Shrine.  Pic (from left): Tang Li Na, Tang Ma Li, my wife Soh Ai, myself, Yong Yew Khoon and Tan Kah Bean
Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
Me and my wife at the busy Chunxi Road.
Huan Huaxi Park, Chengdu’s largest and most invested Urban Forest Park
A group photo posed in front of the statues of 3 famous ancient China poets: Du Fu (杜甫 front left), Li Bai (李白 front right) and Qu Yuan (屈原 back).

Our 4 ladies posing in front of the one and only lady statue of Li Qingzhao (李清照, a female Chinese writer and poet of the Song Dynasty

Statue of woman poet Xue Tao (薛涛)
Wide and Narrow Alleys, Chengdu
Chongqing’s Jiefangbei CBD
Hong YaDong, Chongqing


Dujiangyan ( 都江堰), an irrigation infrastructure built in 256 BC during the Warring States period of China by the Kingdom of Qin.
Jinli Ancient Street, Chengdu

Yuan's Chuan Chuan Xiang restaurant, waiting to savour the Sichuan style of steamboat dinner

Chengdu Panda Research Centre 

Wenshu Monastery, the best preserved Buddhist temple in Chengdu with a history of 1,300 years

Wenshu Fang
Chunxi Road
Care U Well Hotel, Chengdu where we stayed for 3 nights
Huan Huaxi Park
Statue of Xue Tao

The Wide Lane, Chengdu

Going to Chongqing by high-speed train from Chengdu with light luggage (for both my wife and me), as shown hand-carried by me.
Jiefangbei Commercial Centre, Chongqing
Jialing River
My favorite Chinese candied fruit or ‘bingtanghulu’

Zha Zi Dong (a former prison)

Baigong Guan (another former prison)

Ciqikou Ancient Town, Chongqing
Chongqing landmark: Great Hall of the People
Chengdu Metro
Dujiangyang, Chengdu
Railway Grand Hotel, Chengdu
Tianfu Square, Chengdu
Chengdu Tianfu Square, resemblance to the Tiananmen Square of Beijing
Chengdu metro


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