Friday, November 30, 2012

Life Cannot Be Destroyed (by Dr JB Lim)

Is there life after life? I am quite sure there is. I have thought about this issue for many years now. This is not the first time accounts of experiences of people who died clinically, but not biologically, and have floated out from their bodies to see doctors and paramedics trying hard to resuscitate them. They experienced a very deep sense of peace, absolutely no pain, and could describe later how the people around his body frantically trying to resuscitate him. They then left the scene and pass through a tunnel at the other end they saw a beam of light. They then emerged out of the tunnel into a place so beautiful they have never seen before.

The first account of people who died or came to near death, and came back to describe their experience with death and extreme euphoria after death was described in a book written by Dr Raymond Moody who is a psychiatrist who wrote in his book “Life after Life” published in 1975.

In their account with death complied in his book, he found people went through this tunnel very swiftly where they were given fleeting glances of their lives since they were born till they died. It was like a scene in a movie showing all the things they did when they were alive.

At the end of a tunnel they saw a very, very beautiful field with beautiful music playing. So exhilarating was the place they went that they have never experienced it before. They described the beautiful scenes and a sense of complete calm, ultimate joy and total peace within them that they never wish to return to this world anymore…yet they were asked to return. They also saw all their dead relatives in this world of complete ecstasy.

Those who died have one thing in common. Their experience was the same. Yet, they were all from different races with different cultures, various beliefs, different religions, and were of different ages, although most of them were westerners.

They also described after they floated out of their bodies what they actually saw places where it would have been impossible to know, such as at the scene of the accident where they died, the people who were trying to resuscitate them, what they did trying frantically to revive them.

They could also describe which hospital they were brought to, the objects they saw at the hospital, above the hospital on the roof tops as they floated up above the building. They also described in great detail the various hospital rooms they easily without effort passed through the concrete walls separating the rooms, and what they saw in these rooms.

All these descriptions of the scenes, the people, and the objects around the vicinity of the place they died were not possible even for anyone working, or living in that area as some of these places are either restricted areas, or cannot be seen from the ground.

Of course neuroscientists tried to explain all that by giving all sorts of theories about changes in the brain chemistry at the point of oxygen deprivation. I am aware of these different explanations which to me are very unsatisfactory.

For example, how could a person who has just died inside an operating theatre (OT) described exactly who were there inside the OT, what they did to him or what they said or do? Neither was it possible to describe the next room adjourning the OT?

Yet, they gave an accurate account of the doctors, nurses, their dresses and colours, and the positions they were in, the shapes of the objects around the place, and where they were placed, and even several locked rooms away.

They described the people in the corridors and elsewhere, and what was above the rooms, outside the buildings, the roof tops of the hospitals and adjourning buildings. How can changes in neurochemistry of the brain explain all these unless they have actually seen them before, and they were merely recalling these images during changes in the brain chemistry?

For a very long time already I have a very strong conviction within me that there is something very mysterious about a force that swells in all of us. Others just call it ‘life’.

Personally, I have a very strong conviction that life, just like matter and energy to Science, cannot be destroyed. There is some kind of a ‘life force’ that resides within the empty physical shell of the body that drives our body chemistries. That, I believe is that force that keeps all living things alive.

Once death intercedes, this ‘vital forces’ that controls all body chemistries simply leaves the body, the bones, muscles, organs, nerves, and systems. It just leaves. It does not control the body anymore. The entire body then breaks down (decomposes) leaving only an empty shell (skeleton) where this life force once lived.

The analogy is exactly like a house where there are living people staying. We see lights, movements, normal activities of people staying there such as people cleaning the house daily. Once the occupants (life) leave, the house is left empty like an empty shell. There is no more sign of life or activity in the house anymore. There is no more light, no more water, no more movement, no more washing and cleaning, no more sound, no more voices, or laughter, and no more people walking in and out of the house. It is like an empty shell where no one stays.

The house becomes empty of life. It becomes neglected and after some years it decays with the walls, beams, and roofs crumbling down, and weeds, creepers and grass invading inside the house just like remains of a grave left unattended in a graveyard.

There is absolutely no reason why the chemistry of a body cannot continue to proceed even after death if scientists think that a living body is nothing but just a machine that processes body chemicals which they like to call it biochemistry? If that is the case, then why do the chemicals in a dead body start breaking down almost immediately after death starting with rigor mortis. Why doesn’t chemistry continue as usual as if the body was alive? Isn’t that just chemistry scientists have been talking about, and shouldn’t these body chemicals continue to react to obey the laws of chemistry? Why do they stop then? Is there another higher force controlling them?

There is no reason for this if life is just made up of organic chemicals, and if life is just chemical reactions of organic molecules in a living body as we scientists, physiologists, doctors and biochemists know?

After all, immediately after life force leaves the body, all the necessary chemicals of life, namely water, biological fluids, salts and electrolytes, vitamins, DNA, sugars, amino-acids, oxygen, carbon dioxide, iron, minerals, etc, etc are still there - all intact. They have not suddenly disappeared.

Why then did they no longer want to continue to react and to proceed chemically as usual? Why don’t they want to obey chemical laws just like non-living chemical reactants would react inside a test-tube? It makes no sense to me as a research medical scientist trying to answer them from the point of science.

Why must all the chemicals in the body immediately stop, and start to reverse and decompose?

To me, obviously there is no longer this mysterious ‘life force’ living there to control their chemical reactions. It has already left the body to allow the body to return to dust of the soil from where it came. They can no longer proceed without a master control. They all just break down back eventually into dust even if the body is cremated, ashes as dust. Astronomers tell us we are made from star dusts from a supernova explosion.

This is exactly likened to occupants moving out from a house where they once lived. The house suddenly became an empty shell with no more activity within. It is as simple as this.

I am very convinced that life that resides inside a body just came in during conception, and it just leaves at the moment of death. It just went away somewhere without a trace. It must have returned to the cosmos as part of the universe from where it came. I am very convinced of this. I have this uncanny feeling.

Life forces (life) can never be destroyed like matter and energy. It is just part of the cosmic fabric of this universe. In short, nothing in this universe can be destroyed, albeit they might be interchangeable like matter and energy.

So perhaps life may be interchangeable on death to another form just like food when eaten gives life to another life. A life has to be sacrificed at death in order to give life to another life. We cannot eat cement and bricks or soil which has no life in them. We can only keep alive with food which once had life in them till we destroy it and infuse it into our living body. It is as simple as that.

Life is just interchangeable in the food chain of carbon cycle. Others may like to call it ‘reincarnation’ in a cycle, but I am unsure about this?

But scientists know the existence of matter and energy because they can be measured. But with ‘life forces’ (vital force), they can never be measured just like health that can never be measured in absolute units.

But life is real. It exists, else I can never type this letter, and you can never read it if you and I have no life.  ‘Life forces’ inside all living things is real, very, very real indeed.  We can also feel it even though we cannot measure it like blood glucose, cholesterol and all the other tens of hundreds of enzymes in the body.  We know their existence from all the living things around us that creep, crawl, walk, feed, reproduce, respire, and respond to stimulus.

Both life and health are there residing inside every living body although none can be measured as some kind of a physical or non-physical entity.

I have much more to pen my thoughts on this. This has troubled me for many years already. I just cannot agree with my scientific and medical counterparts that we are just biochemical machines producing bio-chemicals that can be measured like liver and cardiac enzymes.

We take it for granted that when we die, ‘life force’ dies together with these chemicals that make up our physical body.

I have much, much more to pen my thoughts, but this is just a précis of my answer to your question.

There has never been this 4th dimension in thinking from the biological scientists so far – at least to my living senses.

Comments by:

Dr lim ju boo
BSc (Medical Physiology & Chemistry), PG Dip Nutrition,


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Priceless Chinese Phrases

(Courtesy of forwarded mail from Lee Ken Chong)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Mystery and Genesis of Life Force (A hind thought by Dr JB Lim)

The body is like an oil lamp. It has oil in it, and a wick. The lamp itself represent the body, the oil is the energy stored in the body from food we eat. The wick is the biochemical machinery through which the oil (food) is drawn up from the body to be burnt by a flame.

The flame represents the ‘life’ of the body (the lamp). The ‘life’ itself is some kind of energy. We may call it as ‘life force’ or ‘life energy’. But unlike the normal energy of light, sound, heat and electricity, all of which may be measured, and expressed in units, namely in joules, watts, calories wavelengths, etc, life or life force or life energy cannot be measured by any instruments or expressed in any unit. But life is visible, real, and it exists ubiquitously.

The Lamp:

An oil lamp remains unlit (lifeless) until a flame is transferred to the wick. Once a flame (life force) is transferred, it can pass this ‘life energy’ to the next unlit lamp. This is much the same as a life giving birth to another life, or the sacrifice of a life to give food for its life to be transferred to another animal to perpetuate the chain of life.

Another way of looking at this is, if we have a row of lamps, even thousands or millions of them all lined up in a row, none of the lamp is lit (alive) and grow with light and warmth. They will remain dark and unlit even for a thousand years or throughout all eternity unless someone (God) breath in the breath of life (transfer) into the first lamp (Creation of Adam).

The First Lamp of Life:

Once the first lamp is lit (becomes alive), that flame (life) can be transferred to the next lamp, and into the second lamp, to the third, until the whole arrays of unlit lamps burns bright.

This gives life to the entire world which would have been lifeless no matter what life chemicals (water, amino acids, DNA, sugars, electrolytes, etc, etc) there are on Earth in the beginning of time. All will remain unlit and lifeless until the first flame is brought in from somewhere from space (heaven).

This flame we call life, life energy, life force, vital force, whatever we wish to call it, can never, never, be created by Science on Earth. It is the sole gift of God who brought it down from heaven (space) to spark off the chain of life here on Earth.

The Transfer of Life:

Life is like an oil lamp. As long as there is still fuel in it, the flame (life) will continue to burn in that lamp. Once the fuel is exhausted, the lamp is extinguished (dies). But it can transfer its remaining life to the next lamp (the children) which is still new (young) and still unlit with plenty of fuel (oil) in it.

Life is Indestructible:

Alternatively, even if he has no offspring (barren), even if he or it dies, part of the elements will return to the soil as dust, and part will be transferred to the soil bacteria to decompose for the plants to grow on them, thus pass on the chain of life to the next life. A life has been sacrificed for the survival of another. A life (food) can only give life to another. None can survive on bricks, stones, mud, and any other object which once have no life in it. Thus life cannot be destroyed, but is transferrable from one life form to the next.

Carbon Chain or Reincarnation

Scientists call this ‘the carbon food chain’ but the Hindus and Buddhists call this ‘reincarnation’. Even the Christians believe Christ gave His life for others in order for them to have eternal life through His blood. His blood represents life.


Even in medicine, there is no substitute for real blood. Crystalloids, colloidal solutions, Hartmann's solution glucose-dextrose, Gelofusine, hydroxyethyl starch, Ringer's lactate, and other blood volume expanders, or even artificial blood or blood surrogates such as perfluorocarbon are no substitute for real blood. A blood transfusion is the ultimate.

The Transfer of Life from Heaven:

It is my very strong belief that life was initially brought in here from heaven (outer space) to spark off the chain of life on Earth as much as the first flame that lit up the first cold dark lamp for it to transfer life from this lamp to the next until the myriads of life forms are found on Planet Earth.

Even if all the lamps are complete with oil and wick in as much as all the ocean waters contain all the necessary salts, amino acids, nutrients, oxygen, sugars, etc, this Earth would till today remain completely void of life as in other known planets until a Lamp Bearer (God) breath in life to the first unlit lamp for all the flames to be transferred from one living creature including humans to the next generation.

And so this was how it began, the generations of life and life forms being kept alive, thanks to the first flame from the first lamp.

God confirms:

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground (the essential chemicals of life), and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;(the flame) and man became a living soul (the first birth of life) - Genesis 2:7


Isn’t this, a combination of Theology and Science a 4th dimension projection in thinking?

Dr jb lim
BSc (Physiol & Chem), PG Dip Nutr, MSc, MD, PhD (Med), FRSPH FRSM


Friday, November 23, 2012





呼吸是人类最重要的生命活动之一, 既包括肺部换气,又包括气体在血液中的运输和交换。呼吸运动是胸廓有节律地扩大和缩小,完成吸气与呼气,为身体提供氧气,排出二氧化碳,保证生命的正常运行。




了更好地发挥呼吸器官的潜力,应该有意识地加深呼吸,避免快而浅的呼吸。 “一口气”能左右人的身心状态,呼吸就是生命力,也是更新和代谢的力量。








正确呼吸 ,一是要缓和吸,也就是要均匀缓慢吸气,尽量深吸,让气体能充满肺泡;二是要用力吐,吐的干净,这样才能将废气全部排出体外,保障交换的气体多一些。最科学的呼吸方法为:“吸——停(屏气10—20秒钟)——呼”的呼吸形式,可使副交感神经兴奋性增强,也可使肠鸣次数增加,有利于消化吸收,从而有益于健康长寿。    






(Courtesy of forwarded mail from Kerwin Lim)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Words of Wisdom

(Courtesy of forwarded mail from David Chen)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Unbelievable Situations

Only in INDIA
Only in JAPAN
Only in TEXAS
Only in HAWAII
Only in CHINA
(Courtesy of forwarded mail from Khor Kean Kar)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Why do people urinate so much at night?

Heart Attack and Water

Something I didn't know either! I asked my Doctor why do I and other people urinate (pee) so much at night time.
Answer from my Cardiac Doctor = Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright. When you lie down and the lower body (legs and other things) seeks level with the kidneys it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. 

I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this is news to me.

Correct time to drink water... from a Cardiac Specialist!

Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:
2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs

1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion

1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure

1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack

My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.
(Courtesy of forwarded mail from Khor Kean Kar)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Secrets of Nations

(Courtesy of forwarded mail from Khor Kean Kar)

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